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Sujet : Gladiator 2

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MrJackalope MrJackalope
Niveau 6
12 avril 2024 à 23:33:42

Le 12 avril 2024 à 23:32:29 :
C'quoi ces conneries de singes, rhino et requin :doute:

Thrasamund Thrasamund
Niveau 46
12 avril 2024 à 23:53:51

Le 12 avril 2024 à 16:13:37 :

Le 11 avril 2024 à 22:03:29 Genla a écrit :

Le 11 avril 2024 à 21:59:36 EmileHirsch a écrit :

Le 11 avril 2024 à 21:37:12 :

Un extrait a été diffusé et apparemment ça serait tout simplement phénoménal.

Qui en doutait ?

In the footage, Mescal is revealed to be a gladiator (apparently, he is not playing the newphew of Joaquin Phoenix’s Emperor Commodus, as had been reported). His character is seen fighting murderous monkeys, as well as a soldier on a rhinoceros. At one point, the Colosseum is filled with water for an epic ship battle.
It seems that Mescal’s character is inspired by Crowe’s Maximus. “I remember that day. I never forgot it. That a slave could take revenge against an emperor. That a slave could get justice in the arena,” he says at one point in the trailer, referencing the climax of the first film.
The project dives into anti-war politics, with Pedro Pascal playing a military figure who no longer wants to throw away Rome’s young men on war. As a result, he too is then condemned to fight as a gladiator. Washington, meanwhile, seems to be guiding Mescal to inspire revolution.
“The only truth in Rome is the law of the strongest,” says Washington’s character.

Donc Mescal ne jouerait apperement pas Lucius.

Wut ?...
Faut que je lise le gros spoil pour comprend du coup...

Ça serait un gladiateur qui a comme inspiration Maximus.

  1. Gladiator2 details ⚔️

• Pedro Pascal plays a Roman general forced to become a gladiator after he wanted to stop sending men to war

Ca par contre c'est complément incohérent par rapport au contexte. A cette époque les legions romaines sont des soldats professionnels et non des conscrits. De plus ce sont les soldats eux même qui assassine les empereurs qu'ils jugent trop pacifiste (Alexandre sévère par exemple).

Genla Genla
Niveau 51
12 avril 2024 à 23:54:17

Le 12 avril 2024 à 21:58:56 EmileHirsch a écrit :

Le 12 avril 2024 à 20:34:19 :

Merci de ta participation

EmileHirsch EmileHirsch
Niveau 72
13 avril 2024 à 00:34:52

Le 12 avril 2024 à 23:53:51 :

Le 12 avril 2024 à 16:13:37 :

Le 11 avril 2024 à 22:03:29 Genla a écrit :

Le 11 avril 2024 à 21:59:36 EmileHirsch a écrit :

Le 11 avril 2024 à 21:37:12 :

Un extrait a été diffusé et apparemment ça serait tout simplement phénoménal.

Qui en doutait ?

In the footage, Mescal is revealed to be a gladiator (apparently, he is not playing the newphew of Joaquin Phoenix’s Emperor Commodus, as had been reported). His character is seen fighting murderous monkeys, as well as a soldier on a rhinoceros. At one point, the Colosseum is filled with water for an epic ship battle.
It seems that Mescal’s character is inspired by Crowe’s Maximus. “I remember that day. I never forgot it. That a slave could take revenge against an emperor. That a slave could get justice in the arena,” he says at one point in the trailer, referencing the climax of the first film.
The project dives into anti-war politics, with Pedro Pascal playing a military figure who no longer wants to throw away Rome’s young men on war. As a result, he too is then condemned to fight as a gladiator. Washington, meanwhile, seems to be guiding Mescal to inspire revolution.
“The only truth in Rome is the law of the strongest,” says Washington’s character.

Donc Mescal ne jouerait apperement pas Lucius.

Wut ?...
Faut que je lise le gros spoil pour comprend du coup...

Ça serait un gladiateur qui a comme inspiration Maximus.

  1. Gladiator2 details ⚔️

• Pedro Pascal plays a Roman general forced to become a gladiator after he wanted to stop sending men to war

Ca par contre c'est complément incohérent par rapport au contexte. A cette époque les legions romaines sont des soldats professionnels et non des conscrits. De plus ce sont les soldats eux même qui assassine les empereurs qu'ils jugent trop pacifiste (Alexandre sévère par exemple).

A ce propos, possible énorme spoiler, j'ai lu une rumeur comme quoi le personnage de Pedro Pascal pourrait être Macrin, l'assassin de l'Empereur Caracalla. Mais bon, ça ne correspond pas vraiment à la description faites de son perso. Mais peut être que Scott a un peu travesti l'histoire.

Genla Genla
Niveau 51
25 avril 2024 à 19:09:17

Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” test-screened last night in Las Vegas. Early word is good on this one, which is said to follow a very similar blueprint as the original, but also stands out as its own unique take.

A few months ago, at CinemaCon, Scott, appearing via video, introduced an unfinished trailer to the crowd. He also said the sequel was “more extraordinary” than the first one. Once people finally laid their eyes on the footage, the praise was universal.

The cut shown last night clocked in at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s a very cut and dry revenge story, but no less thrilling. The monkey gladiator scene is being described as “gory” and “absolutely insane” with monkeys ripping off faces and bones. ( :bave: )
It’s a revenge story. Pedro Pascal’s character is Paul Mescal’s stepdad. One day Pascal is sent to battle and Mescal’s wife and mom are murdered. Mescal, a noble journeyman, goes to the capital to seek revenge and fight his way to the top of the chain. Denzel Washington’s puppet master, the true villain of the film, oversees everything and is impressed by Mescal’s talents.The new characters are strong. Mescal’s performance is said to be subdued, but effective. The standouts seems to be Connie Nielsen who does a “great job,” very emotional and beautiful work on her part, and, according to an attendee, she could potentially get Oscar nominated for her work here. Washington, as the shadowy operator, manipulating everything, is deviously brilliant. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger are said to be entertaining standouts as well chewing up the scenery in their spoiled-rich kid roles.
The attendee goes on to praise the production design and costumes. The sets here are beautiful and spacious, replicating the look and feel of the original. The gladiator arena scenes were, much like the original, very entertaining there’s sharks, killer monkeys, a massive rhino and overall great fighting/action. It looks nearly done, only a few gory edits aren’t finished like cuts on people, deaths (by arrow or sword). Harry Gregson Williams’ score was excellent, it flowed very well with the film.
A few months ago, a THR report confirmed that Scott’s sequel had its budget “balloon” from $165 million to a whopping $310 million. The piece went on to describe Paramount execs as feeling “terribly vexed” by the whole ordeal, but felt relieved once they saw footage of the film which “blew them away. There’s a lot riding on this film and Scott might have delivered something worthy.


Et donc le méchant du film est Denzel, étonnant, j'aurais cru qu'il jouerait un "vieux sage".

Kage_VI Kage_VI
Niveau 33
25 avril 2024 à 19:58:33

à quand le trailer ??

Dryade-Brooklyn Dryade-Brooklyn
Niveau 46
25 avril 2024 à 21:06:17

Le 25 avril 2024 à 19:09:17 :
Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” test-screened last night in Las Vegas. Early word is good on this one, which is said to follow a very similar blueprint as the original, but also stands out as its own unique take.

A few months ago, at CinemaCon, Scott, appearing via video, introduced an unfinished trailer to the crowd. He also said the sequel was “more extraordinary” than the first one. Once people finally laid their eyes on the footage, the praise was universal.

The cut shown last night clocked in at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s a very cut and dry revenge story, but no less thrilling. The monkey gladiator scene is being described as “gory” and “absolutely insane” with monkeys ripping off faces and bones. ( :bave: )
It’s a revenge story. Pedro Pascal’s character is Paul Mescal’s stepdad. One day Pascal is sent to battle and Mescal’s wife and mom are murdered. Mescal, a noble journeyman, goes to the capital to seek revenge and fight his way to the top of the chain. Denzel Washington’s puppet master, the true villain of the film, oversees everything and is impressed by Mescal’s talents.The new characters are strong. Mescal’s performance is said to be subdued, but effective. The standouts seems to be Connie Nielsen who does a “great job,” very emotional and beautiful work on her part, and, according to an attendee, she could potentially get Oscar nominated for her work here. Washington, as the shadowy operator, manipulating everything, is deviously brilliant. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger are said to be entertaining standouts as well chewing up the scenery in their spoiled-rich kid roles.
The attendee goes on to praise the production design and costumes. The sets here are beautiful and spacious, replicating the look and feel of the original. The gladiator arena scenes were, much like the original, very entertaining there’s sharks, killer monkeys, a massive rhino and overall great fighting/action. It looks nearly done, only a few gory edits aren’t finished like cuts on people, deaths (by arrow or sword). Harry Gregson Williams’ score was excellent, it flowed very well with the film.
A few months ago, a THR report confirmed that Scott’s sequel had its budget “balloon” from $165 million to a whopping $310 million. The piece went on to describe Paramount execs as feeling “terribly vexed” by the whole ordeal, but felt relieved once they saw footage of the film which “blew them away. There’s a lot riding on this film and Scott might have delivered something worthy.


Et donc le méchant du film est Denzel, étonnant, j'aurais cru qu'il jouerait un "vieux sage".

Du coup la version cinema va être cut a mort comme Napoleon ?

Genla Genla
Niveau 51
25 avril 2024 à 21:18:19

Le 25 avril 2024 à 21:06:17 Dryade-Brooklyn a écrit :

Le 25 avril 2024 à 19:09:17 :
Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” test-screened last night in Las Vegas. Early word is good on this one, which is said to follow a very similar blueprint as the original, but also stands out as its own unique take.

A few months ago, at CinemaCon, Scott, appearing via video, introduced an unfinished trailer to the crowd. He also said the sequel was “more extraordinary” than the first one. Once people finally laid their eyes on the footage, the praise was universal.

The cut shown last night clocked in at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s a very cut and dry revenge story, but no less thrilling. The monkey gladiator scene is being described as “gory” and “absolutely insane” with monkeys ripping off faces and bones. ( :bave: )
It’s a revenge story. Pedro Pascal’s character is Paul Mescal’s stepdad. One day Pascal is sent to battle and Mescal’s wife and mom are murdered. Mescal, a noble journeyman, goes to the capital to seek revenge and fight his way to the top of the chain. Denzel Washington’s puppet master, the true villain of the film, oversees everything and is impressed by Mescal’s talents.The new characters are strong. Mescal’s performance is said to be subdued, but effective. The standouts seems to be Connie Nielsen who does a “great job,” very emotional and beautiful work on her part, and, according to an attendee, she could potentially get Oscar nominated for her work here. Washington, as the shadowy operator, manipulating everything, is deviously brilliant. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger are said to be entertaining standouts as well chewing up the scenery in their spoiled-rich kid roles.
The attendee goes on to praise the production design and costumes. The sets here are beautiful and spacious, replicating the look and feel of the original. The gladiator arena scenes were, much like the original, very entertaining there’s sharks, killer monkeys, a massive rhino and overall great fighting/action. It looks nearly done, only a few gory edits aren’t finished like cuts on people, deaths (by arrow or sword). Harry Gregson Williams’ score was excellent, it flowed very well with the film.
A few months ago, a THR report confirmed that Scott’s sequel had its budget “balloon” from $165 million to a whopping $310 million. The piece went on to describe Paramount execs as feeling “terribly vexed” by the whole ordeal, but felt relieved once they saw footage of the film which “blew them away. There’s a lot riding on this film and Scott might have delivered something worthy.


Et donc le méchant du film est Denzel, étonnant, j'aurais cru qu'il jouerait un "vieux sage".

Du coup la version cinema va être cut a mort comme Napoleon ?

Nope, ça sera bien 2h40 (générique compris).

Zeus Zeus
Niveau 78
25 avril 2024 à 21:30:21

Balancez nous un trailer nom de dieu

Netflux1 Netflux1
Niveau 54
25 avril 2024 à 21:43:15

C'est écrit par le meme gars qui a écrit Napoléon. Ça ne peut pas être bon.

Sileos Sileos
Niveau 61
25 avril 2024 à 21:50:56

Netflux qui va nous le rappeler jusqu’à la sortie du film.

Napoléon n’est toujours pas passé.

Netflux1 Netflux1
Niveau 54
25 avril 2024 à 21:53:42

Le 25 avril 2024 à 21:50:56 :
Netflux qui va nous le rappeler jusqu’à la sortie du film.

Napoléon n’est toujours pas passé.

Eh non, quel navet :( Scott n'a plus toute sa tête et son scénariste non plus.

zevrann2 zevrann2
Niveau 52
26 avril 2024 à 11:22:49

Quand tu vois ses derniers films c'est pas glorieux.
toute sa période début années 80 c'est masterclass sur masterclass
Mais depuis 2010 avec robin des bois aie :ouch:
Prometheus, Cartel, Exodus et Covenant mama on a la quatuor perdant qu'est ce qu'ils sont nul.
j'ai apprécié Seul sur Mars mais je ne le trouve pas dingue niveau mise en scène ça reste un bon film.
Même sa série Raises by wolf quel chiasse.
Napoléon j'ai trouvé ça ultra plat et pas inspiré.

Scott faut s'y faire, ça fait plus rêver grand monde

Serval94 Serval94
Niveau 60
26 avril 2024 à 11:34:17

Le 25 avril 2024 à 19:09:17 Genla a écrit :
Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” test-screened last night in Las Vegas. Early word is good on this one, which is said to follow a very similar blueprint as the original, but also stands out as its own unique take.

A few months ago, at CinemaCon, Scott, appearing via video, introduced an unfinished trailer to the crowd. He also said the sequel was “more extraordinary” than the first one. Once people finally laid their eyes on the footage, the praise was universal.

The cut shown last night clocked in at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s a very cut and dry revenge story, but no less thrilling. The monkey gladiator scene is being described as “gory” and “absolutely insane” with monkeys ripping off faces and bones. ( :bave: )
It’s a revenge story. Pedro Pascal’s character is Paul Mescal’s stepdad. One day Pascal is sent to battle and Mescal’s wife and mom are murdered. Mescal, a noble journeyman, goes to the capital to seek revenge and fight his way to the top of the chain. Denzel Washington’s puppet master, the true villain of the film, oversees everything and is impressed by Mescal’s talents.The new characters are strong. Mescal’s performance is said to be subdued, but effective. The standouts seems to be Connie Nielsen who does a “great job,” very emotional and beautiful work on her part, and, according to an attendee, she could potentially get Oscar nominated for her work here. Washington, as the shadowy operator, manipulating everything, is deviously brilliant. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger are said to be entertaining standouts as well chewing up the scenery in their spoiled-rich kid roles.
The attendee goes on to praise the production design and costumes. The sets here are beautiful and spacious, replicating the look and feel of the original. The gladiator arena scenes were, much like the original, very entertaining there’s sharks, killer monkeys, a massive rhino and overall great fighting/action. It looks nearly done, only a few gory edits aren’t finished like cuts on people, deaths (by arrow or sword). Harry Gregson Williams’ score was excellent, it flowed very well with the film.
A few months ago, a THR report confirmed that Scott’s sequel had its budget “balloon” from $165 million to a whopping $310 million. The piece went on to describe Paramount execs as feeling “terribly vexed” by the whole ordeal, but felt relieved once they saw footage of the film which “blew them away. There’s a lot riding on this film and Scott might have delivered something worthy.


Et donc le méchant du film est Denzel, étonnant, j'aurais cru qu'il jouerait un "vieux sage".

Day one, bordel.

BedTrautiganBis BedTrautiganBis
Niveau 43
26 avril 2024 à 17:22:43

Le 26 avril 2024 à 11:22:49 :
Quand tu vois ses derniers films c'est pas glorieux.
toute sa période début années 80 c'est masterclass sur masterclass
Mais depuis 2010 avec robin des bois aie :ouch:
Prometheus, Cartel, Exodus et Covenant mama on a la quatuor perdant qu'est ce qu'ils sont nul.
j'ai apprécié Seul sur Mars mais je ne le trouve pas dingue niveau mise en scène ça reste un bon film.
Même sa série Raises by wolf quel chiasse.
Napoléon j'ai trouvé ça ultra plat et pas inspiré.

Scott faut s'y faire, ça fait plus rêver grand monde

Prometheus est un très chouette film

zevrann2 zevrann2
Niveau 52
26 avril 2024 à 17:29:04

Le 26 avril 2024 à 17:22:43 :

Le 26 avril 2024 à 11:22:49 :
Quand tu vois ses derniers films c'est pas glorieux.
toute sa période début années 80 c'est masterclass sur masterclass
Mais depuis 2010 avec robin des bois aie :ouch:
Prometheus, Cartel, Exodus et Covenant mama on a la quatuor perdant qu'est ce qu'ils sont nul.
j'ai apprécié Seul sur Mars mais je ne le trouve pas dingue niveau mise en scène ça reste un bon film.
Même sa série Raises by wolf quel chiasse.
Napoléon j'ai trouvé ça ultra plat et pas inspiré.

Scott faut s'y faire, ça fait plus rêver grand monde

Prometheus est un très chouette film

ça aurait pu l'être mais il est raté et je suis le premier désolé de ça

BedTrautiganBis BedTrautiganBis
Niveau 43
26 avril 2024 à 17:54:26

Le 26 avril 2024 à 17:29:04 :

Le 26 avril 2024 à 17:22:43 :

Le 26 avril 2024 à 11:22:49 :
Quand tu vois ses derniers films c'est pas glorieux.
toute sa période début années 80 c'est masterclass sur masterclass
Mais depuis 2010 avec robin des bois aie :ouch:
Prometheus, Cartel, Exodus et Covenant mama on a la quatuor perdant qu'est ce qu'ils sont nul.
j'ai apprécié Seul sur Mars mais je ne le trouve pas dingue niveau mise en scène ça reste un bon film.
Même sa série Raises by wolf quel chiasse.
Napoléon j'ai trouvé ça ultra plat et pas inspiré.

Scott faut s'y faire, ça fait plus rêver grand monde

Prometheus est un très chouette film

ça aurait pu l'être mais il est raté et je suis le premier désolé de ça

je vois pas en quoi il l'est. Y'a effectivement qques moments un peu discutables, mais de là à dire qu'il est "raté" ou "nul" (tant que ça ?), y'a une marge. + faut croire que les spectateurs ne sont globalement pas de ton avis puisqu'il est noté 7/10 sur IMDB, ce qui reste une bonne note quoi qu'il en soit.

Genla Genla
Niveau 51
26 avril 2024 à 20:05:03

Le 26 avril 2024 à 11:34:17 Serval94 a écrit :

Le 25 avril 2024 à 19:09:17 Genla a écrit :
Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” test-screened last night in Las Vegas. Early word is good on this one, which is said to follow a very similar blueprint as the original, but also stands out as its own unique take.

A few months ago, at CinemaCon, Scott, appearing via video, introduced an unfinished trailer to the crowd. He also said the sequel was “more extraordinary” than the first one. Once people finally laid their eyes on the footage, the praise was universal.

The cut shown last night clocked in at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s a very cut and dry revenge story, but no less thrilling. The monkey gladiator scene is being described as “gory” and “absolutely insane” with monkeys ripping off faces and bones. ( :bave: )
It’s a revenge story. Pedro Pascal’s character is Paul Mescal’s stepdad. One day Pascal is sent to battle and Mescal’s wife and mom are murdered. Mescal, a noble journeyman, goes to the capital to seek revenge and fight his way to the top of the chain. Denzel Washington’s puppet master, the true villain of the film, oversees everything and is impressed by Mescal’s talents.The new characters are strong. Mescal’s performance is said to be subdued, but effective. The standouts seems to be Connie Nielsen who does a “great job,” very emotional and beautiful work on her part, and, according to an attendee, she could potentially get Oscar nominated for her work here. Washington, as the shadowy operator, manipulating everything, is deviously brilliant. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger are said to be entertaining standouts as well chewing up the scenery in their spoiled-rich kid roles.
The attendee goes on to praise the production design and costumes. The sets here are beautiful and spacious, replicating the look and feel of the original. The gladiator arena scenes were, much like the original, very entertaining there’s sharks, killer monkeys, a massive rhino and overall great fighting/action. It looks nearly done, only a few gory edits aren’t finished like cuts on people, deaths (by arrow or sword). Harry Gregson Williams’ score was excellent, it flowed very well with the film.
A few months ago, a THR report confirmed that Scott’s sequel had its budget “balloon” from $165 million to a whopping $310 million. The piece went on to describe Paramount execs as feeling “terribly vexed” by the whole ordeal, but felt relieved once they saw footage of the film which “blew them away. There’s a lot riding on this film and Scott might have delivered something worthy.


Et donc le méchant du film est Denzel, étonnant, j'aurais cru qu'il jouerait un "vieux sage".

Day one, bordel.

Du coup, mon hypothèse comme ça insiste sur la grande prestation de Connie Nielsen (Lucilla dans Gladiator 1) : Elle serait mariée a Pedro Pascal et donc "Lucius + Pascal" vont se retrouver dans l'arène. Et la scène la plus forte pour elle sera lorsqu'il y aura le face a face Mescal vs Pascal. Lucilla assistera quoiqu'il arrive soit à la mort de son fils, soit celle de son mari.

Ça peut être vraiment puissant si c'est ça.

Limpo Limpo
Niveau 46
26 avril 2024 à 20:26:55

Le 26 avril 2024 à 11:22:49 :
Quand tu vois ses derniers films c'est pas glorieux.
toute sa période début années 80 c'est masterclass sur masterclass
Mais depuis 2010 avec robin des bois aie :ouch:
Prometheus, Cartel, Exodus et Covenant mama on a la quatuor perdant qu'est ce qu'ils sont nul.
j'ai apprécié Seul sur Mars mais je ne le trouve pas dingue niveau mise en scène ça reste un bon film.
Même sa série Raises by wolf quel chiasse.
Napoléon j'ai trouvé ça ultra plat et pas inspiré.

Scott faut s'y faire, ça fait plus rêver grand monde

Il y a le Dernier duel qui est très bon et House of Gucci qui est pas mal aussi.

EmileHirsch EmileHirsch
Niveau 72
27 avril 2024 à 11:41:29

Le 25 avril 2024 à 19:09:17 :
Ridley Scott’s “Gladiator II” test-screened last night in Las Vegas. Early word is good on this one, which is said to follow a very similar blueprint as the original, but also stands out as its own unique take.

A few months ago, at CinemaCon, Scott, appearing via video, introduced an unfinished trailer to the crowd. He also said the sequel was “more extraordinary” than the first one. Once people finally laid their eyes on the footage, the praise was universal.

The cut shown last night clocked in at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s a very cut and dry revenge story, but no less thrilling. The monkey gladiator scene is being described as “gory” and “absolutely insane” with monkeys ripping off faces and bones. ( :bave: )
It’s a revenge story. Pedro Pascal’s character is Paul Mescal’s stepdad. One day Pascal is sent to battle and Mescal’s wife and mom are murdered. Mescal, a noble journeyman, goes to the capital to seek revenge and fight his way to the top of the chain. Denzel Washington’s puppet master, the true villain of the film, oversees everything and is impressed by Mescal’s talents.The new characters are strong. Mescal’s performance is said to be subdued, but effective. The standouts seems to be Connie Nielsen who does a “great job,” very emotional and beautiful work on her part, and, according to an attendee, she could potentially get Oscar nominated for her work here. Washington, as the shadowy operator, manipulating everything, is deviously brilliant. Joseph Quinn and Fred Hechinger are said to be entertaining standouts as well chewing up the scenery in their spoiled-rich kid roles.
The attendee goes on to praise the production design and costumes. The sets here are beautiful and spacious, replicating the look and feel of the original. The gladiator arena scenes were, much like the original, very entertaining there’s sharks, killer monkeys, a massive rhino and overall great fighting/action. It looks nearly done, only a few gory edits aren’t finished like cuts on people, deaths (by arrow or sword). Harry Gregson Williams’ score was excellent, it flowed very well with the film.
A few months ago, a THR report confirmed that Scott’s sequel had its budget “balloon” from $165 million to a whopping $310 million. The piece went on to describe Paramount execs as feeling “terribly vexed” by the whole ordeal, but felt relieved once they saw footage of the film which “blew them away. There’s a lot riding on this film and Scott might have delivered something worthy.


Et donc le méchant du film est Denzel, étonnant, j'aurais cru qu'il jouerait un "vieux sage".

J'ai pas lu les spoilers nonobstant

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