donc personne n´a de lien officiel sur mokujin?
voilà, tu l´as ton lien ...
Lol merci pour le lien et Testsujin ?
Mega-Rems Peut-être parce qu´il faut avoir tous les persos pour ça je sais pas...
Le Mokujin version acier , pourquoi pas ce serait sympa, il pourrait être disponible en tant que 3ème costume, vu que certains personnages ont l´air d´en avoir plus de 2.
Goljin dans mes rêves aussi !: rire:
voila les bios les teme :
After Jack-5 had returned from collecting combat data at the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, it returned to G Corporation’s laboratory where Jane proceeded to run advanced combat algorithms based on its research.
Soon afterwards, war between the Mishima Financial Group and G Corporation broke out. And just as large numbers of production model Jacks were being dispatched to all parts of the world, unconfirmed reports stated that the Mishima Financial Group had drawn up plans of their own to imitate the killer robots.
The audacity of someone coping her Jack angered Jane greatly; thus, she sent Jack-6, the newest Jack, to investigate the incoming reports.
Roger Jr. ( au pâssage quelle story de merde on dirait dallas...)
Mrs. Roger and Roger Jr. entered the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 to look for Mr. Roger who had been missing.
After all their perseverance, they had finally found him indulging himself in a carefree life of elegance without an ounce of family responsibility on his mind. Disgusted with what had become of her husband, Mrs. Roger divorced him right then and there.
[The former] Mrs. Roger and Roger Jr. had become members to a fatherless home, and times were tough. Just then, an announcement about the King of Iron Fist Tournament was made, and so for the purpose of living a rich and stable life for themselves, [The former] Mrs. Roger and Roger Jr. decided to take part in the tournament once again.
Bryan Fury
After getting his hands a perpetual generator, Bryan Fury decided to join the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 for the purpose of testing its efficiency. However, Yoshimitsu’s repeated meddling hindered his tests and hopes of unlocking its ultimate power, greatly frustrating Bryan. Soon afterwards, Bryan began destroying everything in sight.
Driven by rage, he joined various battlefields the world over, indiscriminately leveling this and that to rubble; however, he soon grew tired of the sameness of it all.
Around that time, he caught wind of the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6’s announcement. Feeling it was better suited for his frenzied appetite, he headed in its direction.
During the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5, Ganryu lost his way and accidentally stumbled into the research laboratory of the Mishima Financial Group, and in the laboratory he found the disc containing data for the Reforestation Program. Believing he finally had what was needed in order for Julia to accept his proposal of marriage, he presented the disc. But it was only the disc that she accepted.
Afterwards, Ganryu returned to Hawaii and established a restaurant [specializing in Sumo cuisine] called Chanko Paradise; however, his restaurant didn’t take off as he had hoped. Around that time, it was announced that the King of the Iron Fist Tournament would be held once again, seeing this as an opportunity to promote Chanko Paradise, Ganryu, decided to participate in the tournament to do just that.
Julia Chang
After recovering her lost data, Julia Chang completed the research needed Reforestation program and returned to her home of Arizona to meet with the individual helping her to implement it.
A much older woman who was a property owner of a large area of Arizonian land waited for Julia upon her return—it was said that this woman could hear the voices of spirits. This woman offered to help Julia make her dreams of reforestation to become a reality, but before they parted, the woman told Julia of an ill-fated prophecy, “The Devil is sure to return from Hell, should Jin Kazama and Kazuya Mishima ever cross paths. These two must not be allowed to fight.”
Julia was doubtful about the prophecy, but while on a flight home she heard an announcement for the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6 had been made. The woman’s words were becoming a reality, and so Julia decided to enter the tournament.
In Tekken 5 Hwoarang faced Jin and defeated him. While Jin was lying on the ground suddenly he roars paranormally, produces a gale that blows Hwoarang away. From Jin´s back 2 black wings spread and Jin stands up with the his devil form. Hwoarang is at his wits end - he is not able to fight back Jin and soon he is knocked unconscious. When Hwoarang wakes up he founds himself in the hospital. Nearby he sees Baek standing as a visitor. Hwoarang hears the details from Baek. He ignores his nurse, tries to move from his bed, falls down in order to beseech Baek to make him stronger.After leaving the Hospital, Hwoarang starts training with unprecedented devoutness in order to defeat the "paranormal" Jin. Thus with the announcement of "King of Iron Fist" tournament 6 he repairs to the tournament.
Baek Doo San
Baek entered "King of Iron Fist" tournament 5 along with his disciple Hwoarang. However Baek withdrew from the tournament, when he found out that Hwoarang lost from his rival Jin and was seriously injured. He (Baek) then rushed to the hospital to visit Hwoarang. Although Hwoarang´s condition wasn´t considered as something serious after his treatment, he wouldn´t wake up and Baek started blaming himself for being an inadequate instructor.
It took 3 days for Hwoarang to regain consciousness. They discussed the details and Hwoarang told Baek that not only he has to recover, but to strengthen himself even further.
Baek sensed his strong will and his unprecedented modesty and hence he decided to teach him everything he knows. Baek & Hwoarang returned to Korea, and endeavoured to practise intensely. Eventually the announcement of "King of Iron Fist" Tournament 6 came from the Mishima Zaibatsu and Baek decided to enter the tournament one last time, to widen his personal experience-collection.
Mokujin is a training dummy made from a 2,000-year-old oak tree. Sensing evil’s presence, Mokujin once again sets out to save the world
Devil Jin
Devil’s blood (the Devil gene) rules over Jin. The power he wields is none other Devil’s.
voila... donc il manque plus que 1 perso(pour faire 40 personnage) et je pense qu´il y´a de forte probabilite pour que ca soit : devilkazuya ou un autre perso. azazel est trop cracké comme boss, aucune chance qu´il soit jouable mais par contre namco mettront sa bio.
bye et adios
Oui, Azazel est trop puissant pour qu´il soit joable.
Maintenant qu´on sait que Mokujin sera là, il reste 2 cases, alors, soit c´est 1 case ramdom et 1 case pour Devil/Kunimitsu/Michelle (les 3 persos qui ont le plus de chance de revenir), soit 2 cases ramdom.
Mais bon, ça, on le saura plus tard, là on a déjà 39 persos (faut pas oublier Panda), comme dans TTT, c´est déjà pas mal.
Sinon, quelqu´un peu traduire .
Dans TTT , il y´en a 34 !
pour le double-post mais c´est juste pour dire que Namco compte les persos par case, quand il y a 2 perso dans 1 case, par exemple Panda et Kuma, Namco va dire qu´il y a qu´un seul perso.
Pour Tekken 1, Namco a dit qu´il y en aurait 17 (enfin, je sais pas, mais sur la jaquette, ils disent ça), mais ils ont pas compter Devil (qui n´a pas encore de très grand pouvoir malheuresement) qui est dans la même case que Kaz. Pareil pour les autres comme Tekken 5 où ils disent "Il y aura 30 personnages" mais en faîtes, y en a 32 puisqu´il y a Panda et Eddy.
Abyss_Calibur nan, 39 :
10)Armor King
28)King 2nd
30)Kuma 2nd
33)Gun Jack
37)True Ogre
il y a aussi la possibilité qu´il n´y ait pas de case random et qu´il y ait 40 cases persos
pour mokujin j´attend de le voir dans ce tableau
Voici les traducs !
Après que Jack-5 soit revenu de collecter des données de combats lors du King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5, il alla au laboratoire de la G-Corporation où Jane procéda à des calculs algorithmiques à propos de ses recherches.
Peu après, la guerre entre la Mishima Financial Group et la G-Corporation éclata. Et alors qu’un grand nombre de Jacks avaient été dispersés aux quatre coins de la planète, des rumeurs annonçaient que la Mishima Financial Group avait mit en place des plans pour tenter de copier ces fameux robots tueurs.
L’audace de plagier son Jack mit vivement en colère Jane ; ainsi, elle envoya Jack-6, le nouveau Jack, pour enquêter sur ces récentes rumeurs.
Roger Jr.:
Mme. Roger et Roger Junior entrèrent au King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5 dans le but de retrouver M. Roger qui avait disparu.
Après toute cette persévérance, ils l’avait finalement trouvé assouvissant ses plaisirs dans une insouciante vie pleine d’élégance sans une once de responsabilité paternelle dans son esprit. Dégoûtée de ce qu’était devenu son mari, Mme. Roger divorça sur le champ.
L’ex-Mme. Roger et Roger Junior devinrent alors les membres d’un foyer sans père, et les temps furent rudes. Puis l’annonce du King Of Iron Fist Tournament 6 fut faite, et dans le but d’avoir un ménage riche et stable, l’ex-Mme. Roger et Roger Junior décidèrent à nouveau de faire partie du tournoi.
Bryan Fury:
Après s’être vu recevoir un générateur perpétuel (un cœur invincible), Bryan Fury décidait de joindre le King Of Iron Fist Tournament 5 pour tester ses nouvelles capacités. Toutefois, Yoshimitsu s’en mêla à nouveau et entrava ces tests et ces espoirs de débloquer son pouvoir ultime, ce qui frustra grandement Bryan. Peu après, Bryan se mit à détruire tout ce qu’il avait en face de lui.
Conduit par la rage, il prit part à de nombreux champs de bataille dans le monde entier, il se comparait à tout ce qui lui tombait sous la main et leur fit mordre la poussière, cependant, peu à peu il commença à se lasser de tout ça.
Ayant eu vent de l’annonce du King Of Iron Fist Tournament 6, il sentit qu’il serait mieux approprié de rassasier là-bas son frénétique appétit, il s’avança alors dans cette direction.
J´attends les autres avec impatience.
Sinon, je me suis trompé : Leo ne peut pas être la fille de Jane même si certains liens peuvent le faire penser.
juste une kestion bete.
date de sortie: TBA 2008.
sa ve dire koi TBA?
Bryan va devenir de + en + sadique
TBA 2008 = to be announced 2008
claire Shumi sa va etre géniale
sinon pour Léo je pense quel a un lien avec un perso car elle pe pa débarquer comme sa mai petetre pas jane ...
pourquoi leo ne peut pas etre la fille de jane?
Et même c´est très pertinent, beaucoup de choses peuvent nous donner un soupçon sur les relations leo/jane