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Sujet : Multi

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oztral oztral
Niveau 10
22 mars 2010 à 14:09:07


Guilhem77 Guilhem77
Niveau 10
22 mars 2010 à 19:44:38


Un petit up de révolution après avoir locké mon topic :)

oztral oztral
Niveau 10
22 mars 2010 à 19:46:11

et oui désolé Guilhem, mais on avait déjà ce topic.
Je préfèrais nettement le titre du tiens, mais celui-ci est toujours resté actif, donc, je ne le bloquerai pas !

oztral oztral
Niveau 10
22 mars 2010 à 20:42:53


Legend_pacha Legend_pacha
Niveau 35
22 mars 2010 à 21:18:23

tu passe tes soirée a faire des up Ozral ?

non car sa fait le 3 éme topic où je croise un de tes up :lol:

et sinon a part sa,est ce qu'on a des infos sur la date de sortie de la video gameplay du multi

et si y a des infos sur une éventuel personalisation d'avatar multi joueur comme GTA IV ??

ghost-507 ghost-507
Niveau 6
22 mars 2010 à 21:21:55

je pense qu'on aura le choix pour la personalisation des persos sur le multi comme dans GTA4 pour le reste j'en sais rien

Legend_pacha Legend_pacha
Niveau 35
22 mars 2010 à 21:26:22

ok merci, c'est que je pense aussi :)

Guilhem77 Guilhem77
Niveau 10
22 mars 2010 à 22:39:55

Salut cow boy solitaire ! :)

Il faudrait peu-être engager la conversation sinon ce topic va couler comme une pierre.

Pouvez vous me récapituler (je pose des questions abusives pour engager la conversation):

Que sait-on du multi aujourd'hui ? D'après ce que j'ai compris, il y aura peut-être des duels, des prises de ville, des deathmatchs, est-ce vrai ? Quand la vidéo du multijoueur est elle prévue ? Un mode libre ? Des idées sur ce multi ?

Un petit screen sympa, maison !

Niveau 5
23 mars 2010 à 09:48:13


N'ayant pas lu les 9 pages de ce topic je me pose la question suivante.

Je rève d'un monde multi pour ce jeu mais JV.C a coché

Multijoueurs : Non

Mais il est vrais que le logo du PSN(PS3) apparais sur la boite en haut a droite

Pourquoi ?


Erik_Kartman Erik_Kartman
Niveau 7
23 mars 2010 à 09:51:27

Y'a un multi c'est sûr, dans les vidéos de gameplay tu remarqueras que quand il appuie sur Start y'a un mode "Multiplayer" en bas.

Niveau 5
23 mars 2010 à 09:53:30

JE T'AIME !!!!!

Grend Grend
Niveau 10
23 mars 2010 à 10:25:09

A mon humble avis, la base du multi sera à peut près comme celle de GTA IV. Adapté à l'époque, plus de courses de police contre méchant, mais peut être chasse entre shérifs et bandits, duels, course de chevaux... et tant d'autres idées qui pourraient apparaitre.

ET sur un mode Monde Ouvert, en jeu libre, je suis quasi sûr à 90% qu'il y en aura un, reste à savoir si il regroupera toute la carte, ou sera sectionné en parti de carte, les 3 régions séparés par exemple.

Niveau 5
23 mars 2010 à 10:31:55

Oui j'imajine très bien depuis les 1er images du jeu

d'allieur on peut voir une course de cheuveux sue une foto

par contre c'est quel video ou on peut voir le multi comme me si gentiment dit Eric Kartam lol

parceque je ne vois pas jregard trop les paysage ect ....

Erik_Kartman Erik_Kartman
Niveau 7
23 mars 2010 à 10:35:25

Attends je me les repasse et je te dit le moment exact :ok:

Erik_Kartman Erik_Kartman
Niveau 7
23 mars 2010 à 10:39:37

C'est la vidéo "Red Dead Redemption - Série de gameplay : La vie dans l'Ouest" fais une pause à 2:11 et regarde en dessous de "Cheats" :oui:

Niveau 5
23 mars 2010 à 11:07:29

c'est SUPER !!!

Merci beaucoup !!!


Erik_Kartman Erik_Kartman
Niveau 7
23 mars 2010 à 11:10:39

Ah mais pas de problème.

[rednight] [rednight]
Niveau 5
23 mars 2010 à 16:37:43

on contine la fete des informations aujourd'hui.............
le 17 mars 2010 ! un grand jour pour RDR puisque un site anglais du jeuxvideo a mis "par erreur " avant la fin du embargo.....le preview multijoueur de Red Dead Redemption mais il etait retiré instantanément par le site après :rire2:
le preview a ete trouvé caché dans google malheureusement pour eux et heureusement pour nous :rire2:

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Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer Hands-On ? Pistols At Dawn
Written Wednesday, March 17, 2010 by Richard Walker

We're cowboys at heart, not game journalists. We'd rather jump on the back of a horse, round up some bandits and then gallop back into town for a game of poker, then spend a warm night with a hooker, a tin bath by the fire and a bottle of bourbon. As it is, we get to write all day, then go to bed with a comic book and a mug of cocoa. It's not exactly a match for the cowboy lifestyle we were meant for.
As such, we've been itching to get some hands-on time with Rockstar's Western opus for months now, as it's about as close to living the Wild West dream as we're ever likely to get. So when the invite came through telling us that the first round of Red Dead Redemption multiplayer sessions were to take place at Rockstar's London offices, we naturally leapt at the chance.
In an international affair, we were pitted against games journos from all over Europe and were thrust straight into Red Dead's free-roam hub; the instruction not to shoot one another until we're given permission instantly goes out of the window. Like GTA, between multiplayer matches you're given the entire single-player map to explore, so pushing up on the d-pad to whistle for a horse is a good idea if you want to quickly get around the towns and homesteads dotted around Redemption's vast world. That being said, most of the time you're likely to find players just killing each other for sh*ts and giggles. Kill an innocent non-playable pedestrian though, and you can expect to be hunted and executed by the law.
The opportunity to simply waste time messing around amongst the miles of desert and scrub is infinite, with random emergent events and the detailed animal ecology tossing up all manner of interesting distractions. But it's the host of game modes that provide the real meat of Red Dead's multiplayer and we got to check out four of them during our intensive hands-on play session.
Before we plunged into the competitive stuff, we start with a posse leader who sets a waypoint for the entire gang of sixteen players to follow. So saddling up and riding to a marked gang hideout where a group of bandits are holed up, we canter down the trail, taking care not to kick our horse to death. Upon arrival, a gunfight immediately breaks out, triggering even more undesirables to spill into the area from the surrounding ridge, which in turn leads to an ambush and an even busier, more frenetic gun battle.
It's great fun that eventually leads on to other criminal strongholds, such as an abandoned mansion where our foolhardy decision to sling several sticks of dynamite through the front door ends with us being sworn at by a French journo who gets caught in an errant explosion. Oops! As each mission ends, a statistics screen pops up giving you the lowdown on how well (or how poorly) you did, and as it happens, our dynamite-fuelled rampage pushes us to the top of the scoreboard. Ha! Take that France!
Back to the lobby area once more where activity descends into a sixteen-way fist fight, before it's time to sample 'Gang Shootout' ? a straightforward Team Deathmatch that pits two warring factions head-to-head against one another. Lawmen, Miners, Rebeldes, Dutch's Gang and The American Army are some of the groups that feature, and each match begins with a standoff until there's only one man left standing. It's literally pistols at dawn, where the fastest gun wins and when we play the every-man-for-themselves Shootout later on, the action opens with all 16-players stood in a circle for a Mexican standoff that would make Quentin Tarantino cream in his pants.
Moving onto 'Gold Rush' ? a game type that has you collecting and gathering bags of gold dotted around the map before depositing them into nearby chests to score a point ? we start to get a feel for the game mechanics, pressing right bumper to gracefully slide into cover, dashing to green markers on the map to collect Deadeye pick-ups and hoarding as many weapons as we can from handy sparkling crates.
In single-player, Deadeye slows time, enabling you to paint red crosses on nearby enemies, and it works in much the same way in multiplayer, boosting accuracy without the aid of slow-motion. Weapons meanwhile, stay in your inventory (accessed via the left bumper and a twiddle of the right analogue stick) right until the end of the round, giving you a rather extensive cache of artillery to choose from, including numerous six-shooters, rifles, shotguns and projectiles like dynamite or throwing knives.
Finishing off with a bout of capture-the-flag, here called 'Hold Your Own' and featuring red and blue loot bags rather than flags, we get to blast a few riders off their horses with a huge cannon and even find time to line up a few headshots with a sniper rifle and then rush into the opposing team's base on horseback to grab the red flag and score a valuable point.
Actions like these grant XP, which persistently builds up throughout multiplayer, levelling your character up and enabling you to purchase new clothing and items to customise your badass bandito, sheriff or cowgirl. You're also able to acquire XP while free-roaming by executing special actions like killing a grizzly bear with a knife or shooting the hat off a wanted villain, for instance
Red Dead Redemption's single-player is shaping up to be unquestionably superb, but it's also heartening to see that a great deal of care and attention has gone into the multiplayer too. Rockstar has apparently learnt some valuable lessons from GTA IV's multiplayer, making the experience more focused, compartmentalised and therefore better suited to the 16-players that the game supports.
There's a clear, concerted effort that has been made in ensuring the multiplayer aspect of Red Dead Redemption is both meaningful and worth revisiting, and although there are still a few kinks to be ironed out, it's reason enough to make Redemption one of this year's most wanted games.
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les informations sont tres intéressantes ! a retenir :
- multijoueur a 16 joueurs ( peut-être Co-op a 16 joueurs )
- un mode libre est bel et bien la :bave:
- le mode libre et les autre modes classiques nous permet de gagner du XP ( RPG-like ) selon nos acte : exp ( tuer un ours avec couteau,viser sur le chapeau d'un hors a la loi, etc.......)
- le journaliste n'a pas joué a tous les modes ! juste un peu !
-- le mode libre
-- team Death match ===> RDR titre "Gang Shootout"
-- Capture the flag ===> RDR titre "Hold Your Own"
-- voler l'or ===> RDR titre "Gold Rush"
et beaucoup d'autres détails ( Azerock a toi de jouer :ok: )

Conclusion : l'experience multijoueur de RDR est unique,immersive,tres fun et incontournable !


KaiserYe KaiserYe
Niveau 33
23 mars 2010 à 16:45:48

c'est vrai cette histoire d'embargo? t'as fait comment pour a trouver? t'as pas le lien du site?

KaiserYe KaiserYe
Niveau 33
23 mars 2010 à 16:51:47

duels en cercle a 16! ça va faire mal! sinon il se fout de la gueule d'un journaliste français...Hiro?

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