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Sujet : Le Dévellopement du jeu continue.

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Ropaz Ropaz
Niveau 14
08 septembre 2015 à 11:29:28

Bonjour à tous , voici des nouvelles fraiches du jeu :

Hello !

Time for a new dev diary ! My two weeks summer holidays are ended so i can get back to work on Dangerous Rays :)

1- Alpha 18 release period set !

I have decided to release the alpha 18 preview version of Dangerous Rays in the end of December ! Yes it's almost 4 months from now but i need a bit more time as my work productivity in summer was not that great (my work productivity is never good in summer anyway) and i am late on my schedule. I will soon move in Paris in my secret dev bunker and i will not leave it till the Alpha 18 Preview version is not ready. Everything in Paris is prepared so i can work on the game in very nice conditions and without being disturbed by anything. Player will be able to give feedback on this Alpha 18 preview version so i can make some fixes and add some more features before the Steam release. I am very exited by this Alpha 18 release as it is the "rebirth" of the game, i am now satisfied with the engine that i made from scratch for this version and i will be very pleased to be able to release frequent updates in the future again for you guys.

2- Terrain Vegetation Memory Improvements

Last month i have worked on vegetation memory improvements. The biggest memory consumption source was due to trees physics shapes (so objects and player could collide with trees). For Alpha 18 version i have implemented a new technique so one physics shape can be shared between all identical trees models. This was quite easy to implement and this feature is saving a HUGE amount of memory ! In fact, vegetation memory consumption is decreased by 99%. This free memory gain will leave more room to implements others feature to make the game better in the future.

That's all for now, September, October, November and December months should be much more exiting and i will have much more things to show. :)

En français, Oldsnake nous explique avoir travaillé sur le moteur et plus particulièrement les collisions entre les objets et les arbres, qui prenait beaucoup de mémoire, après une refonte totale, il fait gagner 99% de mémoire totale, qu'il alloueras à d'autres aspect du jeu. Oldsnake s'en va dans son "bunker" jusque la fin d'années à fin de rattraper le retard du à l'été. Il promet beaucoup de nouvelle chose d'ici Noël, il promet une Alpha 18.

Ropaz Ropaz
Niveau 14
04 février 2016 à 09:01:53

04 Fev 2016
Le jeu est toujours en phase de développement. D'ailleurs voici le dev diary 23, annonçant du lourd.

Hello everyone !

Here is the Dangerous Rays dev diary 23 ! Ive been doing a lot of work in January but there is quite a lot things to do before releasing a playable Alpha 18 version. I really want to do my best on this release so the game can give a good impression at first so for now no release date. I will only announce it when the alpha 18 version is nearly finished :)

1- Audio engine improvements

In the old version of Dangerous Rays the sounds loading process was not very optimized and was causing some freezes when the sound was loaded first. You could for example feel some little but annoying framerate freezes when you were firing with weapons...

Because of this I have made a new system for sound source loading in memory. Sounds are loaded in another CPU thread so now they won't cause freezes anymore. I have also made some other optimizations to make the global sound system faster.

2- Weather audio effects

I have implemented weather audio effects like wind, rain, thunder... Those sound effects will sound more realistic and are more dynamic than before. Ambient wind and rain sound will sound different if you are inside a building for example.

3- Modding Tools

Making modding tools making is taking a lot more time than expected but i am very pleased by the results. Dangerous Rays Alpha 18 version will be shipped with those tools:

- Zone (map) editor
- Models editor
- Models converter
- Material editor
- Texture editor
- Texture converter
- Mods manager

And i might even make other tools before the Alpha 18 release. All of those tools are directly integrated in the game and accessible via the main game menu. I also want to integrate steam workshop support so mods can be made and distributed with ease so that will be another future task for me :-B

4- Save / load system improvements

Save and load system was very buggy in the old version of Dangerous Rays. Honestly that was quite a piece of s***. With huge memory leaks and some stability issue it was almost impossible to travel between zones without crashes for example.

I am right now taking care of this task and so far everything is much better, the system is now actually stable, more flexible and the save file structure is more simple and the save file is taking less space on the hard drive.

5- What's next

I will keep working on this save / load system and continuing my work on the zone editor.

In the next days I might post some screenshots to show you a bit more about the modding tools on Facebook / Twitter.

Thank you everyone ! :)
Dangerous Rays main developer and Lonely Bits Games director.

uppermostdu26 uppermostdu26
Niveau 5
29 juin 2016 à 16:50:30

Et je prend la suite xD !

29 juin 2016

Hello everyone,

Long time no see ! I had a ton of personal things to handle to last 3 months because I have been moving to another house and region.
That was very hard and time consuming but I have managed to keep working on Dangerous Rays and I have done some nice things anyway.

So i'm sorry for the lack of dev diary those last months but be sure that the development is still going on :)

Some month ago i have tried to implement Physically Based Rendering / PBR ( used for example in Unreal Engine 4 into DR Engine but my implementation was not very good and i had suspended this feature integration.
Because i hate to give up on things that I want, I have resumed my work on PBR since the beginning of June and I have almost finished my work. My new PBR implementation is much better and reliable so it will be implemented in Alpha 18.
Here is some screenshots of some tests of PBR surfaces, more screenshots showing different surfaces types will come soon.

As you can see metallic types surfaces rendering is much better. Light reflection is much nicer and every surfaces are improved by this new PBR technique and everything will look more realistic and believable in the game.

Apart from that big graphical feature I have been working on dynamic weather logic improvements. Weather is now more realistic than before and the rain can now fall from time to time. I am looking forward to code some gameplay feature related to the rain (player wetness simulation and so on...).

I have also worked on DX11 textures arrays integration into the engine. I have used that new graphical feature to improve terrain looking and make the texturing system more "flexible" and efficient in terms of performances.
Speaking of terrain, I have coded a system to detect the terrain surface type under the player foots so no more grass footsteps sound everywhere yay ! That system will also be used to improve procedural terrain vegetation massively. I have also done a tons more improvements in the engine core that will help for doing a much smoother and interesting gameplay in the future.

I am now working on weather temperature simulation. This will affect the player health simulation and even the speed of sound simulation. (yeah the game is very "detailed")
For your reminder i am programming a whole new engine for Dangerous Rays Alpha 18 version, that's why it takes time but it is mandatory for having a nice game that will be successful enough once released on Steam.

See you soon (no bullshit this time) for some new screenshots and infos ! :)

Ropaz Ropaz
Niveau 14
26 mars 2023 à 10:07:14

Le jeu est mort né je crois ... .

Pseudo supprimé
Niveau 27
17 mai 2023 à 18:52:52

Le jeu est jamais sorti ?

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