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Sujet : Moktar the Fox (visionneuse de etapes)

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Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
06 janvier 2005 à 00:42:56

Une bêta version de mon visionneuse de etapes, entraîneur et générateur de codes pour Moktar et Titus the Fox est online! Obtenez-l´à La prochaine version aura également un rédacteur de etapes.

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
06 janvier 2005 à 13:04:19

:peur: you can speak english :) :oui:

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
07 janvier 2005 à 00:58:19

Oh alright then :p)

BTW, does anyone know/have a version of Moktar which isn´t too fast, and which is not only for EGA/VGA? Since Moktar is older than TTF, you´d say it should also support the old videomodes.

Just trying to get all versions of the games in my program :-)))

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
09 janvier 2005 à 18:35:00

I don´t really know what version I have.
I got 3:
-The cracked version I got many years ago, which is the one I use cause it doesn´t need the disk to play.
-A 3.5 disk
-A Full box, with a 3.5 and a 5.25 disk, the doc, and, a poster, i think.

But of course, both 3.5 disks are the same, and I think my cracked version is the same too.
I don´t know if they work on CGA, i just remember typing -C or -T on the command line had an influence, but graphics weren´t CGA.
Hmm, about " too fast" version, did you try Dosbox ?
It´s an EXCELLENT, free " dos emulator".
Just use google :)
If you program a bit in ASM, you shouldn´t have any problem to configure it :rire2: .

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
12 janvier 2005 à 12:45:18

I just tried MTF, and it works fine
:ouch2: :coeur: :ouch: :cool: :oui: :-) :)
Really nice job, excellent, wonderful, . .. :coeur:
is there a key to toggle display of secret bricks ?
i found two ways to see them:
-moving the cursor ( but can´t idle)
-removing normal bricks display

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
12 janvier 2005 à 21:10:36

and for level 5 buggy gates: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !
I just tried the " -> lower right" one, and the one on the top of the level, and both crashed my game, as expected.
But you have to know I had found one before ! !!
and guess which ?
The first on the left on start, i reached it by taking max of crates + 2 bareels from the right, bringing them back to start to look for... look for what ? gates in the air :sarcastic: ? ( I had time to spend when i did that).
and I found... a gate in the air... :rire: :fou: :rire2:
But it warped me in the upper left corner, which is not what i see on your editor. Not that much surprising...

Will there be a way to go back in the editor while playing a level in version 2.0 ?

:coeur: :coeur: :coeur:

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
12 janvier 2005 à 22:31:12

hmm, do you know how " barriers" function ?
I mean, when the screen doesn´t scroll behind a limit ( e.g. many of third level´s secrets are on ONE screen, and it´s impossible to see the sky below the floor at level 11´s end.)

If you got Eric´s mail/msn/... , could he come on this forum ? :dream:
I saw he signed up in your guest book, so, i might hope...

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
13 janvier 2005 à 13:44:40

The one-screen secrets work by having a " no-scroll" flag in the gate list, like when you enter a certain gate the screen won´t scroll anymore. I´m not sure how level 11´s anti-scroll floor works, but I suspect the game just doesn´t scroll down if you don´t go down ( you enter that area from high up anyways).

There is a variable in the level files to stop the screen from scrolling horizontally however, like on the right of level 3 and 7, but MTF doesn´t show it ( yet). It´s just a maximum right-scrolling limit.

I´ll ask Eric to come by :-)

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
13 janvier 2005 à 13:59:52

I *like* your answers

Hem, what´s your true age ?
I´m a bit dubious about the " 71" shown in your profil :monoeil:

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
13 janvier 2005 à 14:03:53

once more, i forgot to ask you what other old games you love.
Privateer 2 ?
Master of orion 2 ?
Keen, doom, Quake, civ & colonization, ( and much more) ?

Do you know something " better than dosbox" to run old games under XP ?

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
13 janvier 2005 à 14:07:46

Here is a more complete list :p)
They are some recent ones, but many of my favourites are oldies :-d

pontifex, doom, quake, Unreal Tounrament, UT2004, moktar, privateers 2, bloodbowl, Heroes 2, HOMM 3, dune2, warcraft, warcraft2, starcraft brood wars, moo1, master of orion 2, chickens2, another world, sid meier´s civilization, colonization, keen1, keen4, mega lo mania, tyrian, wolf3D, the worms saga, except 3D ones, wacky wheels, zzt, prince of persia 1&2, tim, goldeneye, perfect dark, deus EX, super puyo puyo 2 remix, tetris, lemmings, abductor, jetpack, squarez, rampage, sam&, day of the tentacle, angband, ( x)kobo, laserstrike, laser chess, capture the flag, spacecom, hidesink, kicks, set, metal slug, liero, tristan, f29, Ball bullet gun, probotector, Super mario all stars & world, sonic 1&2, . ..

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
13 janvier 2005 à 21:14:14

I´m always too lazy to fill in all that profile information correctly :p)

At least, now my age reflects reality.

Aha, I´ve played a lot of the games in your list :-)
You should also try DROD ( freeware puzzle, see and Anachronox ( very nice RPG, also quite funny), see HOTU´s entry at )

Well, I like DosBox a lot for the older games that don´t require all the CPU horse power. I play newer games mostly in the command prompt using VDMSound. If all else fails, you could always dual boot into DOS. :fier:

Another PC emulator is Bochs ( ), although that´s a " pure" emulator, so you have to install an OS and such things.

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
13 janvier 2005 à 21:41:34

:thx: ^^

DROD´s name remembers me a Wharramer-like game my brother develloped we called TWOTDTK
( The war of the death that kills :-d )

What is exactly VDMSound ? I thought it was JUST some sound emulation like SB, Adlib...
And what version should I get ?

About dual boot :/ I don´t really like that, is Bochs better than freedos ?

About gamezzzzzz, do you know Chronic logic ?
If not, you HAVE to download Pontifex & gish demo.
You might not enjoy, but it really would surprise me.
We spent several hours on the unique " deathmatch" level of the demo with my brother, this game is undescribable, and unique.
And try this too if you don´t know it :p)

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
13 janvier 2005 à 22:45:51

Haha, yes Happy Tree Friends. I´ve got all the episodes on my HD :p)

I´m also playing Gish, although I didn´t play it for a while now ( been busy playing DROD and making a certain program for Moktar and TTF).
Their columns-like game, Triptych, is also quite fun.

VDMSound is indeed a sound card emulator for windows NT/XP. So, it will only fix your sound problems :) Latest version should be the best one ( although it hasn´t been updated for quite some time)

Bochs is a more general emulator, while DosBox is specifically to play old dos games, so my guess is nothing beats DosBox in emulating DOS games. I thought FreeDOS was a freeware DOS-like operating system, so it´s not comparable to Bochs at all. You could use FreeDOS for dual boot though :-)))

Another old game I like is Paganitzu ( from Apogee), maybe that´ll be the next game I make an editor for :p). But first, let´s finish MTF.

If you like Paganitzu, a newer version is also out, called Fitznik. See

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
14 janvier 2005 à 08:37:38

Thx for info & stuff.
If you know a way to make Privateer 2 correctly run under XP ( Too slow under Dosbox :-( ) ,

I tried DROD, and it seems cool, even if both first level were really easy.
A puzzle i really liked is Laserstrike ( maybe laZer), by Kevin ng.
But it has problems under WinXP. This puzzle is, i think, very interresting, and really difficult levels are provided by ´Gionni´ .

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
16 janvier 2005 à 21:36:36

I managed to run Privateer 2 by using Virtual PC. When I tried it directly from XP´s prompt however, it messed up my graphics :-(

Laserstrike looks exactly like a game I´ve played on my old TI-83, Laser Mayhem. It´s quite fun indeed.

About MTF, it seems that windows 98 doesn´t like it. I´ve gotten myself a PC with w98 on it to test, and surely it made me reboot the pc. I´m fixing that now, so expect a version 0.991 soon. It will also display the solidity of the tiles, so that uber-secret on level 8 will finally be visible.

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
16 janvier 2005 à 21:41:49

1.991 :p)

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
17 janvier 2005 à 09:42:11

Hmm, Virtual PC ? Seems it doesn´t require multiboot, and is completly indepandant of your system, isnt´it ?
So, i could get an emulated PC, and install a dos, a sound card, games... on it ?
( I have no time to make such tests since i´m not admin at school and cant´t use my PC for the moment)

Jesses Jesses
Niveau 2
18 janvier 2005 à 18:04:11

Virtual PC is made by microsoft :sarcastic: , google around a bit, they have a trial version on their site somewhere.

It´s about the same thing as VMWare, but works quite well for DOS games ( although the AdLib emulation is quite terrible, so don´t run Moktar on it :p) )

After you install a DOS on it ( it just uses your PC´s floppy) be sure to install CDROM drivers and install their DOS tools, that let you share directory´s between the emulated pc and the real one. A sound card works by default.

It runs as a windows application, so no multi-boot required :)

evilpotatoe evilpotatoe
Niveau 10
20 janvier 2005 à 08:46:16

Yes, i alredy googled around, but i have no time to install this, since i go on this forum from school ( no admins authorisations to install) and " my" PC belongs to my brother. ( He always is playing with).

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