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Sujet : cheat codes steam

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krisscool krisscool
Niveau 10
13 juillet 2010 à 08:13:17

qui sait comment on fait pour utiliser les codes avec la version steam??

jonygames jonygames
Niveau 8
12 décembre 2010 à 20:48:19

Mon ami, j'ai trouvé ça pour toi

Here is how to enable the console commands in AVP Classic:

Step 1: Load Steam then right click on "Aliens Versus Predator Classic 2000" ----> Properties ----> Set Launch Options.

Step 2: Once in Set Launch Options type in this without the quotes "-debug -lampcxtr" . Then click on OK.

Step 3: Launch Aliens Versus Predator Classic 2000 on Steam and play the game as normal.

Step 4: To use the command line commands press the T or Y keyboard keys in game. The ~ (tilde) key does not work.

Step 5: To enter the commands make sure to erase "SAY" first.

Step 6: Type the command in ALL CAPS!!! Lowercase will not work.

Step 7: To exit that command line screen just type SAY (in ALL CAPS) again. Pressing ENTER will not work once you type in a command!

Commands that are confirmed by me to work:

GOD (God mode)
GIMME_CHARGE (recharges the Predators energy supply)
GIVEALLWEAPONS (Gives Player all weapons/ammo)

ALIENBOT (Spawns an alien)
PREDALIENBOT (Spawns a Predalien)
PRAETORIANBOT (Spawns a Praetorian)
XENOBORG (Spawns a Xenoborg)

MARINEBOT (Spawns a Marine or Coprorate or Civilian)

PREDOBOT (Spawns a Predator.)

      • *Type in a space followed by a number after the MARINEBOT or PREDOBOT to specify the weapon. Example: MARINEBOT 1 will spawn a marine with a Pulse Riffle****

Commands that I can NOT get to work:

OBSERVER *This one makes you invisible to enemies. It is good for spawning other aliens and predators and watching them fight each other without going after you*




You cannot spawn a species of the species that you are currently.

Example if you are a Predator then you cannot spawn a CPU Predator.

Also you cannot spawn a character that is NOT already in the level EVEN with -lampcxtr in the game's launch options as of the date of this thread's creation.

logowan logowan
Niveau 7
07 avril 2012 à 00:27:01

Ok, si ça marche comme, sympa.

logowan logowan
Niveau 7
07 avril 2012 à 22:51:39

Cela dis, les cheats C maaal, comme la drogue. >x<

A utilisé quand fini le jeu, pas avant. : ]

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