ben quan tu veu moi un mercredi apres midi je suis daccord mais alors explique moi tout dabord
allo ramza !
bon je pars dans 5 seconde !
OK je^potasse la doc et je te dis!
Ca va sinon?
ça va meme si g un paquet de devoir qui mattend tu pourrai un peu mexpliquer stp quon jou maintenant
Hola pars pas!
jsuis la c bon : -)
C un peu long enfin...
Déjà ma rom s´appelle "Streets of Rage.bin"
ok je vais la rennomer puis je revien
First, be sure you have the kailleraclient.dll file in your Gens directory ( anyway, the emu doesn´t start if
isn´t the case).
Well, go to ´file->Netplay´ menu, then the kaillera server selection dialog appear . ..
Don´t forget to specify a user name.
if you want to play on the NET, be sure that you´re connected ^-^, if you want to play on local network, just
specify the IP of the machine where kaillera server running ( you can download the server at
Choose the server where you want to play, then an other dialog appears and you can see others players connected
to this server and theirs status ( idle, playing . ..), also you can see the current created games rooms, if you wish to
play one of them ( and the status is waiting) just ´join´ the game . ..
YOU MUST HAVE THE EXACT SAME NAME OF THE ROM ( so you should use goodgen to rename your roms).
You can create your own game room by clicking on the ´Create new game´ button, then a list of game should appear
( it´s the list of all the roms you have in your last rom loaded directory).
Then you can wait for others players and start the game alone ; )
When you want to stop the game, YOU HAVE TO CLOSE THE ROM ( Menu ´File->close rom´ or Ctrl+C) then you can start
an other netplay party.
If you want to exit Gens, you have to close all the kaillera dialog ( the little before to avoid crashe . .. a bug
of kaillera), then you can close Gens.
Sorry for all these convenients, but Kaillera has be made for MAME first and Gens works in a complety different way...
If you want more informations about how use Kaillera, check the homepage at
eu traduction ?
C ce qu´il y a ds la DOC!
G download kaillera attends!
bon allez plus vite je lai rennomé mais le fichié c transformé
bon maintenant je fais quoi !
Deux secondes STP!
non plus vite
File moi ton adresse IP STP!
non ! comment jfais pour lavoir deja ? je sais qui faut taper un truc dans executer truc machin etc...
Attends encore!
Merde je sais plus comment on fait, allume ton emulateur!