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Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
02 août 2005 à 16:44:19

Zone 6:Industrial area

Mission 3:Disable sattelite cannon ( 5)

Requester: Mirage

Advance:0 c

Reward:56000 c

Rank S:soyez sur de tuer le AC final.

Part a debloquer:
MWR-TM/30 ( Back unit triple rocket):
tuez le AC final sans que votre allié meure.

Astuce:au debut,il ny a aucun ennemi,dans la piece suivante,2 MT seront la,dans la piece suivante,3 hi act MT,ensuite,lavant derniere piece a 2 hi act MT.allez dans la piece suivante,un AC vous defiera,peu apres,Shade viendra vous aider.apres avoir tuer le AC ( aucune obligation)detruisez les 8 generateurs pour finir la mission.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
02 août 2005 à 16:50:00

Zone 7:Unexlored region

Mission 1:Secure Unexplored region ( 7)

Requester:Global Cortex

Advance:0 c

Reward:100000 c

Head -------- CHD-SKYEYE
Core -------- CCL-01-NER
Arms -------- MAL-GALE
Legs -------- CLM-55-RVE
Booster ----- CBT-FLEET
FCS --------- PLS-ROA
Generator --- CGP-ROZ
Radiator ---- RIX-CR10
Inside ------ NONE
Extension --- MWEM-R/36
Back Unit R - CWM-TR90-1
Back Unit L - NONE
Arm Unit R -- MWG-MG/1000
Arm Unit L -- KWG-HZL50
Op Parts ---- OP-S-SCR, OP-E/SCR, OP-E/CND, OP-L/TRN, Plus any others

Rank S:Tuez les 2 AC.

Part a debloquer:
MWC-OC/30 ( Back unit orbit cannon) :
Allez dans le cratere au centre pour la trouver.

tuez les 2 AC a la fin de la mission.

Astuce:pour affronter les 2 AC a la fin,tuez tout les MT rapidement.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
02 août 2005 à 17:04:50

Zone 7:Unexplored Region

Mission 2:Destroy Power Core ( 10)

Requester:Global Cortex

Advance:0 c

Reward:67000 c

Rank S:il est extremement dur davoir le rank S,utilisez:

Head -------- MHD-MM/007
Core -------- MCM-MX/002
Arms -------- CAH-22-NIX
Legs -------- MLH-MX/VOLAR
Booster ----- CBT-FLEET
FCS --------- PLS-SRA02
Generator --- CGP-ROZ
Radiator ---- RIX-CR10
Inside ------ NONE
Extension --- CSS-IA-645
Back Unit R - MWR-AR/603
Back Unit L - NONE
Arm Unit R -- MWG-XCW/PK
Op Parts ---- OP-S-SCR, OP-E/SCR, OP-L/TRN, OP-SP/E++, OP-E/RTE, OP-

utilisez votre blade sur le Core,et essayer de perdre le moins de vie et le moins de munitions,tout en allant vite.vous devrez reesayer plusieurs fois la mission pour avoir un rank S.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
02 août 2005 à 17:05:43

Part a debloquer:
KM-AD30 ( Back unit extra ammo) :
Finir la mission super vite,tuer le AC a la fin.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
02 août 2005 à 17:14:49

Zone 7:Unexplored region

Mission 3:Attack Unexplored region ( 8)

Requester:Global Cortex

Advance:150000 c

Reward:0 c

Rank S:Tuer tout les ennemis,sans vous faire beaucoup toucher,utiliser le FINGER contre les big white ou encore utiliser:

Head -------- MHD-MM/007
Core -------- MCL-SS/RAY
Arms -------- MAL-RE/HADRO
Legs -------- MLM-SS/ORC
Booster ----- MBT-NI/MARE
FCS --------- PLS-SRA02
Generator --- CGP-ROZ
Radiator ---- RIX-CR10
Inside ------ NONE
Extension --- CSS-IA-645
Back Unit R - NONE
Back Unit L - NONE
Arm Unit R -- MWGG-XCG/40E
Arm Unit L -- KWG-HZL50
Op Parts ---- OP-S-SCR, OP-E/SCR, OP-STAB, OP-L/TRN, OP-SP/E++, OP-

Utiliser le sniper contre les petits MT.Utiliser le quad TITAN contre les 2 Big White

Part a debloquer:
CWC-LIC/100 ( Back unit linear gun) :
Tuer les Big white avec les TITAN/GIGAS/TITAN arms.

CCH-04-EOC ( EO core) :
finir IBIS rapidement sans perdre beaucoup de AP.

xxxxxxxxxxl xxxxxxxxxxl
Niveau 2
02 août 2005 à 19:47:18

j te di braveau pour tiu ton bouleau!!!!! :ok:

mefist mefist
Niveau 6
03 août 2005 à 10:55:54

voila g fini le jeu a 100 % l arme ki nou done est toute pourrie je me suis dechiré dans le vide mais bon...

xxxxxxxxxxl xxxxxxxxxxl
Niveau 2
03 août 2005 à 12:45:56

juste dan la mission d alumer le feu et l etindre
apre y un boss a la salle ou on a commence ou y les generateurs j arive pa a le battre :snif2:

hardmort hardmort
Niveau 6
20 août 2005 à 18:06:36

Pour la mission Power Plant Emergency (zone2) je n´arrive pas à battre le boss de la fin il est trop puissant,je n´arrive presque pas à le toucher,pourtant je n´ais que des arme qui vise automatiquement.
SVp une réponces.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 21:29:55

pour le Big White,c vous pouvez pas battre uns eul alors 2 a la suite ca va etre dur ^^ l´astuce:

Prendre le karasawa et le tirer ou bien des grenade launcher puissante (1500 minimum) ,ensuite,il ne fau pas sapprocher de lui,son épée et + forte que la moonlight!

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:18:54

Je fais ca pour ceu qui ne comprenne pas bien langlais,voila ^^

les cores OB(Over Boost)
Manufactured: entreprise qu´il la creer
Price: combien il coute.
Weight: le poids.
Energie Drain: l´energie que la parti use.
Armor Point: le nombre d´AP.. defense contre les armes solides.
Def. Energy:le defense contre les armes a energie.
Cooling: la force pour se refroidir.
Maximum Weight:le point que peut supporter le corps (pour la tete et les bras).
VS MG Response: l´angle et labilité pour detruire les missile.
VS MG Range: la portée pour detruire les missile.
Option Slots:les nombre de slot pour mettre les optionnal part.
Core type: EO (Exeed Orbit) ou OB (Over Bosst)
OB power: la vitesse de l´over boost.
OB energy drain: energie aspirée par le boost.
Discharge heat: capacité a se refroidir.
Text: le texte d´explication..
Note: note concernant la piece.
BUO: (Best used on...)
Found: Ou vous l´avez trouvez.

le core (EO)
EO attack power: degat par tir.
EO number of ammo: le nombre de munition.
EO ammo type: solide ou a energie.
EO ammo heat: la chaleur d´un tir.
EO reload time: durée entre les tir.
Ammo price: Si solide,le prix d´une munition.
EO range: la portée du tir.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:19:58

Maintenant,je fais toute les core:

CCM-00-STO *****
Manufacturer ---- Crest Ind.
Price ----------- 61000
Weight ---------- 1105
Energy drain ---- 1043
Armor points ---- 2760
Def. Shell ------ 580
Def. Energy ----- 505
Cooling --------- 368
Maximum Weight -- 3558
VS MG Response -- 55
VS MG Range ----- 125
Option Slots ---- 12
Core type ------- OB
OB power -------- 2670
OB energy drain - 9600
Discharge heat -- 1200
Text: Crest´s general purpose core model.
Note: The basic core, nothing too good or bad.
BUO: A starting AC
Found: You start with this part. (AC3)

MCM-MX/002 *********
Manufacturer ------ Mirage
Price ------------- 80000
Weight ------------ 1016
Energy drain ------ 1100
Armor points ------ 2820
Def. Shell -------- 530
Def. Energy ------- 560
Cooling ----------- 444
Maximum Weight ---- 3302
VS MG Response ---- none
VS MG Range ------- none
Option Slots ------ 16
Core type --------- EO
EO attack power --- 450
EO number of ammo - 50
EO ammo type ------ energy
EO ammo heat ------ 12
EO reload time ---- 30
EO usage drain ---- 2800
Ammo price -------- none
EO range ---------- 850
Discharge heat ---- 146
Text: Mirage´s standard, high AP model.
Note: Very good core, well balanced in everything. It has a medium
recharge rate and in packs of 10. It shoots green energy lasers.
BUO: Anything without a blade
Found: Shop (AC3)

MCM-MI/008 *******
Manufacturer ---- Mirage
Price ----------- 115000
Weight ---------- 1000
Energy drain ---- 1255
Armor points ---- 2874
Def. Shell ------ 543
Def. Energy ----- 548
Cooling --------- 242
Maximum Weight -- 3270
VS MG Response -- none
VS MG Range ----- none
Option Slots ---- 19
Core type ------- OB
OB power -------- 2800
OB energy drain - 5800
Discharge heat -- 1050
Text: Moderate OB energy consumption
Note: I never really used this core... But when I did I loved the OB.
BUO: ---
Found: Beat all the Mirage missions and get this as a prize. (NEW)

CCM-OV-AXE *******
Manufacturer ------ Crest Ind.
Price ------------- 78000
Weight ------------ 1297
Energy drain ------ 1120
Armor points ------ 2640
Def. Shell -------- 588
Def. Energy ------- 517
Cooling ----------- 287
Maximum Weight ---- 3430
VS MG Response ---- 32
VS MG Range ------- 100
Option Slots ------ 6
Core type --------- EO
EO attack power --- 350
EO number of ammo - 80
EO ammo type ------ solid
EO ammo heat ------ 118
EO reload time ---- 24
Ammo price -------- 15
EO range ---------- 600
Discharge heat ---- 240
Text: Rigged with a solid ammo EO functions.
Note: The EO is a dual rifle. It is easier to hit with most of these
shots and they deal good damage and break weapons. This core did have
some very good potential but the six optional parts leave much to be
BUO: ---
Found: Reward given in "Destroy AI Prototype" look at the FAQ.

CCL-OI-NER **********
Manufacturer ---- Crest Ind.
Price ----------- 88000
Weight ---------- 788
Energy drain ---- 1310
Armor points ---- 2150
Def. Shell ------ 470
Def. Energy ----- 428
Cooling --------- 356
Maximum Weight -- 3141
VS MG Response -- 48
VS MG Range ----- 100
Option Slots ---- 14
Core type ------- OB
OB power -------- 2820
OB energy drain - 10140
Discharge heat -- 980
Text: Powerful OB thrust, but lacks defense.
Note: This is my favorite Core. It has everything except defense (Which
got raped badly from AC3 to AC3SL). It is also the lightest core.
BUO: A lightweight.
Found: Shop (AC3)

MCL-SS/ORCA ********
Manufacturer ------ Mirage
Price ------------- 114000
Weight ------------ 890
Energy drain ------ 1095
Armor points ------ 2320
Def. Shell -------- 491
Def. Energy ------- 466
Cooling ----------- 273
Maximum Weight ---- 3024
VS MG Response ---- none
VS MG Range ------- none
Option Slots ------ 20
Core type --------- EO
EO attack power --- 123
EO number of ammo - 100
EO ammo type ------ energy
EO ammo heat ------ 8
EO reload time ---- 5
EO usage drain ---- 884
Ammo price -------- none
EO range ---------- 300
Discharge heat ---- 85
Text: Many option slots and very expandable.
Note: This part got a VERY big jump for AC3. This got cut about 500
energy drain, and added about 200 AP. Not only that, it has tons a OP
slots. Its EO shot is a single energy machine gun that recharges about
1 per second. It is very good at breaking weapons.
BUO: On a lightweight with energy weapons.
Found: Shop (AC3)

MCL-SS/RAY *********
Manufacturer ---- Mirage
Price ----------- 94000
Weight ---------- 822
Energy drain ---- 1273
Armor points ---- 2400
Def. Shell ------ 457
Def. Energy ----- 510
Cooling --------- 491
Maximum Weight -- 3056
VS MG Response -- none
VS MG Range ----- none
Option Slots ---- 17
Core type ------- OB
OB power -------- 3000
OB energy drain - 7420
Discharge heat -- 860
Text: Exceptional OB speed performance
Note: This is like NER´s bigger brother. It is better than it in almost
every way. Except, weight and it has no AMS
BUO: A light weight that likes to OB
Found: Get in the A ranks in the Arena (NEW)

CCL-02-EI ******
Manufacturer ------ Crest Ind.
Price ------------- 102000
Weight ------------ 910
Energy drain ------ 1449
Armor points ------ 2080
Def. Shell -------- 483
Def. Energy ------- 441
Cooling ----------- 914
Maximum Weight ---- 2984
VS MG Response ---- 60
VS MG Range ------- 150
Option Slots ------ 15
Core type --------- EO
EO attack power --- 72
EO number of ammo - 150
EO ammo type ------ solid
EO ammo heat ------ 8
EO reload time ---- 8
Ammo price -------- 55
EO range ---------- 450
Discharge heat ---- 122
Text: Streamlined offensive model core.
Note: This is an average EO. It has dual Machine guns as its EO. It is
a little weak and takes many shots to even kill a little MT.
BUO: with a Finger and left hand machine gun.
Found: Beat all the Crest missions and get this as a prize. (NEW)

CCH-OV-IKS *******
Manufacturer ---- Crest Ind.
Price ----------- 139000
Weight ---------- 1502
Energy drain ---- 992
Armor points ---- 3166
Def. Shell ------ 664
Def. Energy ----- 610
Cooling --------- 733
Maximum Weight -- 4077
VS MG Response -- 38
VS MG Range ----- 150
Option Slots ---- 10
Core type ------- OB
OB power -------- 2300
OB energy drain - 8000
Discharge heat -- 1810
Text: Provides exceptional AP and DEF
Note: The most AP core in the game. It is also very heavy. The lack of
a big optional options make this core a little worse.
BUO: On a heavily armored AC or tank
Found: Shop (AC3)

MCH-MX/GRP ********
Manufacturer ------ Mirage
Price ------------- 72000
Weight ------------ 1378
Energy drain ------ 779
Armor points ------ 3003
Def. Shell -------- 630
Def. Energy ------- 548
Cooling ----------- 407
Maximum Weight ---- 3813
VS MG Response ---- none
VS MG Range ------- none
Option Slots ------ 8
Core type --------- EO
EO attack power --- 1450
EO number of ammo - 15
EO ammo type ------ energy
EO ammo heat ------ 18
EO reload time ---- 122
EO usage drain ---- 5450
Ammo price -------- none
EO range ---------- 570
Discharge heat ---- 142
Text: Heavy model stressing AP and DEF.
Note: Very good in EO attack. They recharge all in one bulk. They shot
dual plasma rounds, that look just like the karasawa´s beams
BUO: when you´re just to lazy to press square.
Found: Shop (AC3)

MCH-MX/GROA *********
Manufacturer ---- Mirage
Price ----------- 90000
Weight ---------- 1322
Energy drain ---- 973
Armor points ---- 3164
Def. Shell ------ 608
Def. Energy ----- 600
Cooling --------- 599
Maximum Weight -- 3990
VS MG Response -- none
VS MG Range ----- none
Option Slots ---- 14
Core type ------- OB
OB power -------- 2400
OB energy drain - 5100
Discharge heat -- 1420
Text: Well-rounded, heavy-armor model.
Note: I love this core! Has EVERYTHING! Except for AMS :(
Found: Reward given in "Accompany Air Transports" look at the FAQ.

CCH-04-EOC ******
Manufacturer ------ Crest Ind.
Price ------------- 8400
Weight ------------ 1492
Energy drain ------ 889
Armor points ------ 2999
Def. Shell -------- 612
Def. Energy ------- 593
Cooling ----------- 398
Maximum Weight ---- 3692
VS MG Response ---- 43
VS MG Range ------- 130
Option Slots ------ 8
Core type --------- EO
EO attack power --- 1204
EO number of ammo - 20
EO ammo type ------ solid
EO ammo heat ------ 414
EO reload time ---- 90
Ammo price -------- 320
EO range ---------- 800
Discharge heat ---- 280
Text: Long-range EO attack capability.
Note: Shots two linear gun shots, that are very strong. I just think
the Eos go too fast. Good at breaking weapons.
BUO: A weapon breaker.
Found: Reward given in "Attack Unexplored Region" look at the FAQ.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:26:25

Stat Des Bras:

Energy Supply: C´est le facteur majeur des degat par Epée.
Recoil Control: la controle que vous avez sur le tir lors des Machine gun.
Reaction Speed: la vitesse de lépée.

les bras:

CAM-10-XB ***
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 15500
Weight --------- 1228
Energy drain --- 1006
Armor Points --- 1670
Def. Shell ----- 356
Def. Energy ---- 342
Cooling -------- 245
Energy Supply -- 85
Recoil Control - 279
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Standard model. Heavy but stable.
Note: Too heavy for its usefulness
BUO: A newbie
Found: You start with this part (AC3)

CAM-11-SOL *********
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 19000
Weight --------- 1054
Energy drain --- 877
Armor Points --- 1635
Def. Shell ----- 332
Def. Energy ---- 328
Cooling -------- 95
Energy Supply -- 105
Recoil Control - 284
Reaction Speed - 700
Text: Lighter version of the CAM-10-XB.
Note: These are just above average in everything.
BUO: When it can fit
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAM-MX/REE ******
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 23000
Weight --------- 1400
Energy drain --- 1510
Armor Points --- 1743
Def. Shell ----- 305
Def. Energy ---- 453
Cooling -------- 114
Energy Supply -- 130
Recoil Control - 280
Reaction Speed - 400
Text: High AP and energy defense model.
Note: Very high energy supply and energy defense, but they fall short
because of E drain and weight...
BUO: When you want to kill in one blade strike
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAM-SS/ALS ******
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 37000
Weight --------- 1307
Energy drain --- 1210
Armor Points --- 1564
Def. Shell ----- 358
Def. Energy ---- 374
Cooling -------- 299
Energy Supply -- 110
Recoil Control - 276
Reaction Speed - 700
Text: Highly stable Mirage masterpiece.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAM-01-MHL *******
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 30000
Weight --------- 1243
Energy drain --- 974
Armor Points --- 1780
Def. Shell ----- 433
Def. Energy ---- 239
Cooling -------- 354
Energy Supply -- 100
Recoil Control - 330
Reaction Speed - 500
Text: Close-range, high shell DEF model.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAM-MX/MDD *******
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 63000
Weight --------- 1000
Energy drain --- 801
Armor Points --- 1720
Def. Shell ----- 306
Def. Energy ---- 302
Cooling -------- 705
Energy Supply -- 90
Recoil Control - 270
Reaction Speed - 500
Text: Lightweight with balanced specs.
Note: ---
BUO: A heat resistant machine!
Found: Do enough missions with high ranks to be an A ranked Raven (NEW)

CAM-14-DUSK ******
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 22000
Weight --------- 1141
Energy drain --- 988
Armor Points --- 1650
Def. Shell ----- 347
Def. Energy ---- 336
Cooling -------- 168
Energy Supply -- 100
Recoil Control - 310
Reaction Speed - 700
Text: General purpose Crest model.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

MAM-RE/TIN **********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 44200
Weight --------- 1399
Energy drain --- 1270
Armor Points --- 1770
Def. Shell ----- 480
Def. Energy ---- 509
Cooling -------- 15
Energy Supply -- 70
Recoil Control - 300
Reaction Speed - 700
Text: Exceptional DEF ratings, close-range.
Note: VERY HIGH DEFENSE, you shouldn´t use these with a blade however.
BUO: Something that doesn´t blade
Found: Shop (NEW)

CAL-44-EAS *********
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 28000
Weight --------- 714
Energy drain --- 1222
Armor Points --- 1490
Def. Shell ----- 288
Def. Energy ---- 276
Cooling -------- 282
Energy Supply -- 100
Recoil Control - 300
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Lightest arm part. Very mobile.
Note: One of my favorite arm parts. A must use on lights
BUO: A lightweight, or when you are over weight.
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAL-GALE *********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 36800
Weight --------- 853
Energy drain --- 940
Armor Points --- 2602
Def. Shell ----- 229
Def. Energy ---- 402
Cooling -------- 549
Energy Supply -- 90
Recoil Control - 285
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Top notch energy defense and cooling.
Note: Overall great arms for its weight, but I think they look ugly.
BUO: When you need high DEF but on a light
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAL-RE/REX **********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 39000
Weight --------- 895
Energy drain --- 682
Armor Points --- 1654
Def. Shell ----- 201
Def. Energy ---- 194
Cooling -------- 245
Energy Supply -- 120
Recoil Control - 274
Reaction Speed - 500
Text: High AP offsets low DEF ratings.
Note: IMO the best arms, good for blades and the lowest E drain
BUO: With an expert
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 56000
Weight --------- 914
Energy drain --- 857
Armor Points --- 1550
Def. Shell ----- 304
Def. Energy ---- 293
Cooling -------- 120
Energy Supply -- 95
Recoil Control - 288
Reaction Speed - 1400
Text: Crest´s answer to Mirage´s MAL-RE/REX
Note: I just don´t like these arms, THEY SUCK FOR BLADES!
BUO: with inside weapons and if you like a slow blade
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAL-RE/HADRO **********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 68000
Weight --------- 937
Energy drain --- 744
Armor Points --- 1654
Def. Shell ----- 339
Def. Energy ---- 285
Cooling -------- 74
Energy Supply -- 90
Recoil Control - 276
Reaction Speed - 700
Text: Improved version of the MAL-RE/REX
Note: I love these too! A lot better DEF than the REX
BUO: light weight dual guns (left and right arms)
Found: Shop (NEW)

CAL-33-ROD *****
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 33000
Weight --------- 720
Energy drain --- 1053
Armor Points --- 1526
Def. Shell ----- 194
Def. Energy ---- 188
Cooling -------- 705
Energy Supply -- 115
Recoil Control - 284
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Outstanding cooling performance.
Note: True they´re light, but cooling next to use less and the EAS are
a lot better in almost every way.
BUO: ---
Found: Reward given in "Escort Transport" look at the FAQ (NEW)

CAL-66-MACH ********
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 38400
Weight --------- 906
Energy drain --- 930
Armor Points --- 1570
Def. Shell ----- 329
Def. Energy ---- 292
Cooling -------- 313
Energy Supply -- 110
Recoil Control - 265
Reaction Speed - 800
Text: Balanced specifications arm part.
Note: Great for their weight, I over looked these most of the time...
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

CAH-22-NIX *******
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 39500
Weight --------- 1612
Energy drain --- 1258
Armor Points --- 1835
Def. Shell ----- 475
Def. Energy ---- 360
Cooling -------- 102
Energy Supply -- 110
Recoil Control - 295
Reaction Speed - 700
Text: Stable, high defense arm model.
Note: The lightest of the heavy weight.
BUO: When you just want to squeeze a little more on.
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAH-RE/GG ********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 54400
Weight --------- 1788
Energy drain --- 1299
Armor Points --- 1920
Def. Shell ----- 482
Def. Energy ---- 518
Cooling -------- 715
Energy Supply -- 100
Recoil Control - 330
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Close-range, heat resistant model.
Note: VERY high energy DEF
BUO: heavy weight
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAH-23-XBI *****
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 34000
Weight --------- 1726
Energy drain --- 1274
Armor Points --- 1880
Def. Shell ----- 515
Def. Energy ---- 409
Cooling -------- 337
Energy Supply -- 90
Recoil Control - 330
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Highly stable Crest masterpiece.
Note: I don´t see why you would wear this over the GG
BUO: Heavy
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAH-SS/CASK *********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 42100
Weight --------- 2120
Energy drain --- 1415
Armor Points --- 1990
Def. Shell ----- 654
Def. Energy ---- 488
Cooling -------- 165
Energy Supply -- 125
Recoil Control - 300
Reaction Speed - 800
Text: Provides excellent AP and defense.
Note: Hmm, highest DEF, good E supply, and doesn´t interfere with back
parts anymore? WOW! Only it weights a lot.
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAH-67-BOLD ***
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 87000
Weight --------- 1720
Energy drain --- 1186
Armor Points --- 1470
Def. Shell ----- 540
Def. Energy ---- 505
Cooling -------- 405
Energy Supply -- 100
Recoil Control - 288
Reaction Speed - 600
Text: Redesigned CAH-23-XBI.
Note: Hmm I know AP is not what matter, but when EAS has more...
BUO: ?
Found: Shop (NEW)

MAH-SS/VV *******
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 77700
Weight --------- 1680
Energy drain --- 1494
Armor Points --- 1990
Def. Shell ----- 437
Def. Energy ---- 427
Cooling -------- 303
Energy Supply -- 130
Recoil Control - 293
Reaction Speed - 400
Text: Designed to enhance blade strikes.
Note: The E drain is still up there with the REE, but the DEF is
better. I just realized that these tie for the highest AP arms.
BUO: A heavy blader
Found: Reward given in "Qualification Exam" look at the FAQ (NEW)


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~Weapon Arms...
Weapon arms are just as they sound. They are arms that are weapons them
selves. They come in many flavors. WARNING these arms do not have
defensive points. I´m not going to describe that stats in this part,
they are way to different from part to part. If you want to know what
something means go look at the other weapons.

Manufacturer ------ Kisaragi
Price ------------- 128000
Type -------------- Dual Blades
Weight ------------ 1311
Energy drain ------ 86
Armor Points ------ 1018
Cooling ----------- 322
Discharge Heat ---- 40
Attack power ------ 1480
Wave attack power - 680:744
Attack heat ------- 12:25
Range rating ------ 7
Wave range -------- 500:500
Usage drain ------- 2420
Wave usage drain -- 1475:2213
Text: Close-range dual blade arms.
Note: Very cool, The blade is just like the 003. It shoots out a wave
if you press square, toggling makes a spread wave. These arms are
pretty pointless since a Moonlight with a good arm part is usually
stronger and can be used with another gun.
BUO: A hardcore blader
Found: Do enough missions with high ranks to be a B ranked Raven. (NEW)

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:26:58

CAW-DMG-0204 **
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 48000
Type ----------- Machine gun
Weight --------- 1180
Energy drain --- 74
Armor Points --- 690
Cooling -------- 536
Weapon Lock ---- wide & shallow
Attack Power --- 200:200
Ammo Heat ------ 56:56
Range ---------- 440:440
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 10:6
Number of Ammo - 360
Ammo Type ------ Solid
Ammo Price ----- 58
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Variable firing rate machine gun.
Note: These suck, bad! They can´t hit for crap
BUO: when making the lowest AP AC
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAW-DS48-01 *****
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 57000
Type ----------- Small missile
Weight --------- 730
Energy drain --- 420
Armor Points --- 940
Cooling -------- 233
Weapon Lock ---- standard
Attack Power --- 780:780
Ammo Heat ------ 10:10
Range ---------- 450:450
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 41:41
Number of Ammo - 48
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 260
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Variable launch missile model
Note: These aren´t that great. Shoot 2 or 4!
BUO: A crappy missile AC
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAW-DHM68/04 **********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 68100
Type ----------- Small missile
Weight --------- 1275
Energy drain --- 377
Armor Points --- 1202
Cooling -------- 411
Weapon Lock ---- standard
Attack Power --- 520:780
Ammo Heat ------ 640:186
Range ---------- 510:510
Maximum Lock --- 4:4
Reload Time ---- 46:46
Number of Ammo - 68
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 130
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle missile type: heat/small
Note: These are great, keep them on Small, since you´ll usually
overheat them any ways, especially with relations.
BUO: Any all missile AC
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAW-DVG36-01 ****
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 84000
Type ----------- Low or high trajectory missiles
Weight --------- 1714
Energy drain --- 532
Armor Points --- 834
Cooling -------- 365
Weapon Lock ---- standard
Attack Power --- 780:780
Ammo Heat ------ 145:145
Range ---------- 600:600
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 84:84
Number of Ammo - 36
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 1125
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle missile type: vertical/torpedo.
Note: These have too little ammo, the low ones are better as they shot
4 missiles instead of two.
BUO: A confusing Missiles AC
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAW-TITAN4 ******
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 118000
Type ----------- large missile
Weight --------- 1774
Energy drain --- 53
Armor Points --- 740
Cooling -------- 336
Weapon Lock ---- standard
Attack Power --- 6800:6800
Ammo Heat ------ 1730:1730
Range ---------- 290:290
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 255:255
Number of Ammo - 8
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 3500
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle missile: no. of rounds fired.
Note: TITAN ARMS! These can kill almost any AC with one quad launch!
These rape the big white Acs you find in missions.
BUO: Big white killer!
Found: Reward given in "Secure Fortress NK-432" look at the FAQ.

CAW-DBZ-48 *****
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 96300
Type ----------- Bazooka
Weight --------- 1560
Energy drain --- 99
Armor Points --- 1550
Cooling -------- 257
Weapon Lock ---- narrow & deep
Attack Power --- 1500:1500
Ammo Heat ------ 320:320
Range ---------- 760:760
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 45:45
Number of Ammo - 48
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 200
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle bazooka: no. of rounds fired.
Note: Either shoot two, or 4 spread. Very power fully up close. These
arms just don´t have a lot of ammo.
BUO: A jouster
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAW-SDBZ-108 *********
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 78400
Type ----------- Spread bazooka
Weight --------- 1407
Energy drain --- 66
Armor Points --- 1020
Cooling -------- 257
Weapon Lock ---- narrow & deep
Attack Power --- 1020:1020
Ammo Heat ------ 230:230
Range ---------- 900:900
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 45:45
Number of Ammo - 72
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 200
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle spread bazooka: rounds fired.
Note: Strong! Up close this will do at least 2000+ and 999 heats.
BUO: A scarier jouster
Found: Reward given in "Distract Security Team" look at the FAQ

CAW-DC-03 ********
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 88000
Type ----------- Grenade launcher
Weight --------- 1830
Energy drain --- 233
Armor Points --- 910
Cooling -------- 98
Weapon Lock ---- narrow & deep
Attack Power --- 3400:3400
Ammo Heat ------ 742:742
Range ---------- 1147:1147
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 180:110
Number of Ammo - 20
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 1750
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle cannon: firing style.
Note: Shot one or two, very strong.
BUO: A hyper sniper.
Found: Shop (AC3)

CAW-SDC-05 ********
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 81000
Type ----------- Grenade launcher
Weight --------- 1532
Energy drain --- 202
Armor Points --- 910
Cooling -------- 145
Weapon Lock ---- narrow & deep
Attack Power --- 2298:2298
Ammo Heat ------ 577:577
Range ---------- 1147:1147
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 155:90
Number of Ammo - 28
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 1400
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle cannon: no. of rounds fired.
Note: I kind of like these better than the other ones, since it´s
lighter with more ammo.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

CAW-DHZ-36 *
Manufacturer --- Crest Ind.
Price ---------- 52500
Type ----------- Howitzer
Weight --------- 1700
Energy drain --- 136
Armor Points --- 1210
Cooling -------- 66
Weapon Lock ---- none
Attack Power --- 410:1050
Ammo Heat ------ 278:606
Range ---------- 900:900
Maximum Lock --- -:-
Reload Time ---- 74:74
Number of Ammo - 80
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 340
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle howitzer: no. of rounds fired.
Note: They suck! Don´t use these, go away!
BUO: Under a kick me sign
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 82200
Type ----------- Laser cannon
Weight --------- 1666
Energy drain --- 604
Armor Points --- 888
Cooling -------- 338
Weapon Lock ---- narrow & deep
Attack Power --- 2335:1240
Ammo Heat ------ 24:24
Range ---------- 415:415
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 74:47
Number of Ammo - 48
Ammo Type ------ energy
Ammo Price ----- -
Usage Drain ---- 6800:2400
Text: Toggle laser cannon: shot strength.
Note: The strong shot is a lot stronger but drains a lot! They are way
way tuned down since AC1
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

MAW-LIC/48 ********
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 96000
Type ----------- Linear gun
Weight --------- 1445
Energy drain --- 572
Armor Points --- 1170
Cooling -------- 402
Weapon Lock ---- narrow & deep
Attack Power --- 1370:880
Ammo Heat ------ 427:994
Range ---------- 540:540
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 74:47
Number of Ammo - 48
Ammo Type ------ solid
Ammo Price ----- 324
Usage Drain ---- -:-
Text: Toggle rounds: attack power/ammo heat.
Note: Very destructive and high in heat. You don´t even need the toggle
fire, you´ll over heat them any ways.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 48000
Type ----------- Orbit cannon
Weight --------- 1180
Energy drain --- 74
Armor Points --- 890
Cooling -------- 112
Weapon Lock ---- special
Attack Power --- 150:150
Ammo Heat ------ 6:6
Range ---------- 500:500
Maximum Lock --- 6:3
Reload Time ---- 240:240
Number of Ammo - 60
Ammo Type ------ energy
Ammo Price ----- -
Usage Drain ---- 1400:1400
Text: Toggle weapon pods: no. of lock ons.
Note: I don´t know why you would use these...
BUO: On a pod AC
Found: Shop (NEW)

MAW-DSL/FIN *******
Manufacturer --- Mirage
Price ---------- 53300
Type ----------- Spread laser
Weight --------- 1093
Energy drain --- 611
Armor Points --- 1090
Cooling -------- 657
Weapon Lock ---- Special
Attack Power --- 160:300
Ammo Heat ------ 10:10
Range ---------- 200:350
Maximum Lock --- 1:1
Reload Time ---- 10:28
Number of Ammo - 180
Ammo Type ------ energy
Ammo Price ----- -
Usage Drain: 1200:1500
Text: Toggle spread laser: rounds fired.
Note: VERY FAST KILLING! They just suck for missions and drain a lot.
BUO: tank killer
Found: Shop (AC3)

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:32:33

Message precedent jai fai Bras et armes ^^
maitenant les jambes:

Moving Ability: la capacité de vitesse.
Turing Speed: la vitesse pour tourner.
Jump Function: les tank et les over legs ne peuvent sauter.
Braking ability: juste apres un over bosst,la capacité d´arret.
Landing stability:la capacité de mouvement dans les terrain difficile.
Defensive stability: la stabilité quand il es toucher par les grenades.

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:33:26

Jambes Moyenne:

CLM-01-EDF ******
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 25000
Maximum weight ------ 4905
Weight -------------- 1888
Energy drain -------- 1844
Stationary Drain ---- 560
Armor points -------- 3050
Def. Shell ---------- 502
Def. Energy --------- 494
Cooling ------------- 354
Moving Ability ------ 280
Turing Speed -------- 118
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 1007
Defensive stability - 900
Text: Inexpensive, standard leg model.
Note: Just not the best in anything.
BUO: The starting AC
Found: You start with these (AC3)

MLM-MM/ORDER *******
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 29500
Maximum Weight ------ 5097
Weight -------------- 1994
Energy drain -------- 1725
Stationary Drain ---- 642
Armor points -------- 3238
Def. Shell ---------- 556
Def. Energy --------- 529
Cooling ------------- 402
Moving Ability ------ 277
Turing Speed -------- 115
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 92
Landing stability --- 1018
Defensive stability - 1106
Text: Model competing with the CLM-01-EDF
Note: Don´t know why, but it has four pipes sticking out of it...
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

CLM-02-SNSK ********
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 45600
Maximum Weight ------ 5252
Weight -------------- 2309
Energy drain -------- 1864
Stationary Drain ---- 690
Armor points -------- 3386
Def. Shell ---------- 580
Def. Energy --------- 543
Cooling ------------- 485
Moving Ability ------ 275
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 110
Landing stability --- 1221
Defensive stability - 1320
Text: Highly stable Crest masterpiece.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

MLM-SS/ORC *********
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 49000
Maximum Weight ------ 5384
Weight -------------- 2555
Energy drain -------- 2850
Stationary Drain ---- 1352
Armor points -------- 3500
Def. Shell ---------- 501
Def. Energy --------- 666
Cooling ------------- 783
Moving Ability ------ 267
Turing Speed -------- 114
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 110
Landing stability --- 1200
Defensive stability - 1200
Text: Emphasizes energy defense and cooling.
Note: High load cap and the once highest E def is only pasted by its
energy drain.
BUO: Vs Anti SAWA or with one (This was my S ranker legs for AC3)
Found: Shop (AC3)

MLM-MX/066 *********
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 30300
Maximum Weight ------ 4982
Weight -------------- 1872
Energy drain -------- 2644
Stationary Drain ---- 735
Armor points -------- 3405
Def. Shell ---------- 520
Def. Energy --------- 524
Cooling ------------- 590
Moving Ability ------ 275
Turing Speed -------- 120
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 1000
Defensive stability - 1187
Text: High mobility leg model.
Note: Very light for a mid. Lighter than some light weights
BUO: instead of the EDGE
Found: Shop (AC3)

CLM-03-SRVT *********
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 35000
Maximum Weight ------ 5193
Weight -------------- 2403
Energy drain -------- 1620
Stationary Drain ---- 650
Armor points -------- 3624
Def. Shell ---------- 688
Def. Energy --------- 405
Cooling ------------- 302
Moving Ability ------ 270
Turing Speed -------- 112
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 108
Landing stability --- 1700
Defensive stability - 1612
Text: Leg model stressing shell defense.
Note: Very good legs. If you can, I would try and squeeze on these legs
if you got the weight.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

MLM-XA3/LW *******
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 51800
Maximum Weight ------ 5553
Weight -------------- 2608
Energy drain -------- 2270
Stationary Drain ---- 1020
Armor points -------- 3133
Def. Shell ---------- 572
Def. Energy --------- 555
Cooling ------------- 354
Moving Ability ------ 270
Turing Speed -------- 118
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 130
Landing stability --- 1194
Defensive stability - 1387
Text: Balanced armor and load weight.
Note: Highest load for a mid, but is quite heavy.
BUO: When you refuse to use a heavy
Found: Reward given in "Archive Area Ambush" look at the FAQ (NEW)

MLM-SPINE *********
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 72000
Maximum Weight ------ 4960
Weight -------------- 1902
Energy drain -------- 1775
Stationary Drain ---- 1475
Armor points -------- 3530
Def. Shell ---------- 493
Def. Energy --------- 490
Cooling ------------- 22
Moving Ability ------ 278
Turing Speed -------- 125
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 80
Landing stability --- 802
Defensive stability - 777
Text: Leg model with emphasis on mobility.
Note: It´s fast, but not stable.
BUO: Nameless clone
Found: Shop (NEW)

CLM-SS-RVE **********
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 67400
Maximum Weight ------ 5403
Weight -------------- 2475
Energy drain -------- 1210
Stationary Drain ---- 480
Armor points -------- 3420
Def. Shell ---------- 494
Def. Energy --------- 505
Cooling ------------- 106
Moving Ability ------ 275
Turing Speed -------- 118
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 984
Defensive stability - 973
Text: Low energy consumption model.
Note: The best legs, in my opinion. High load, VERY low drain.
BUO: S ranking AC
Found: Shop (NEW)

CLM-02-SNSKAI ********
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 64000
Maximum Weight ------ 5205
Weight -------------- 2275
Energy drain -------- 1809
Stationary Drain ---- 680
Armor points -------- 3120
Def. Shell ---------- 551
Def. Energy --------- 525
Cooling ------------- 465
Moving Ability ------ 280
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 1100
Defensive stability - 1213
Text: All-around balanced specs.
Note: ---
BUO: ---

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:34:16

Jambes Legeres:

CLL-01-FKST *******
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 72000
Maximum Weight ------ 4377
Weight -------------- 1675
Energy drain -------- 2894
Stationary Drain ---- 838
Armor points -------- 2855
Def. Shell ---------- 500
Def. Energy --------- 482
Cooling ------------- 783
Moving Ability ------ 425
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 94
Landing stability --- 1057
Defensive stability - 865
Text: Good mobility combined with decent AP.
Note: Light weight that can hold the SAWA!
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

MLL-SS/1001 *******
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 54000
Maximum Weight ------ 4232
Weight -------------- 1790
Energy drain -------- 2446
Stationary Drain ---- 907
Armor points -------- 3029
Def. Shell ---------- 447
Def. Energy --------- 503
Cooling ------------- 894
Moving Ability ------ 436
Turing Speed -------- 119
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 88
Landing stability --- 854
Defensive stability - 670
Text: Part competitor of the CLL-01-FKST.
Note: Not sure why, but this part has good cooling.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 110000
Maximum Weight ------ 4609
Weight -------------- 1892
Energy drain -------- 3056
Stationary Drain ---- 583
Armor points -------- 2216
Def. Shell ---------- 422
Def. Energy --------- 463
Cooling ------------- 333
Moving Ability ------ 445
Turing Speed -------- 120
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 90
Landing stability --- 1032
Defensive stability - 847
Text: Long-range, mid-load capacity model.
Note: Great in AC1pp were weight didn´t matter, but they just suck for
all out combat. They do have one of the highest E drains in the game
but one of the lowest stationary´s...
BUO: On an expert.
Found: Shop (AC3)

CLL-HUESO **********
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 35800
Maximum Weight ------ 3989
Weight -------------- 1500
Energy drain -------- 2346
Stationary Drain ---- 627
Armor points -------- 2793
Def. Shell ---------- 408
Def. Energy --------- 412
Cooling ------------- 644
Moving Ability ------ 452
Turing Speed -------- 129
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 140
Landing stability --- 674
Defensive stability - 593
Text: Lighter prototype of the CLL-01-FKST
Note: The lightest legs in the game, and also have the lowest load cap
in the game. Got slower in turning and got almost 100 S DEF raped from
AC3 to AC3sl.
BUO: A speed demon with one gun.
Found: Shop (AC3)

MLL-MX/077 *******
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 94000
Maximum Weight ------ 4523
Weight -------------- 1702
Energy drain -------- 3224
Stationary Drain ---- 924
Armor points -------- 2670
Def. Shell ---------- 515
Def. Energy --------- 522
Cooling ------------- 447
Moving Ability ------ 425
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 877
Defensive stability - 723
Text: Leg model with good DEF ratings
Note: Lighter the edge, +DEF & St drain.
BUO: When you just like to run faster than a mid.
Found: Shop (NEW)

CLL-SECTOR ********
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 88000
Maximum Weight ------ 4118
Weight -------------- 1608
Energy drain -------- 2557
Stationary Drain ---- 785
Armor points -------- 2933
Def. Shell ---------- 314
Def. Energy --------- 366
Cooling ------------- 173
Moving Ability ------ 445
Turing Speed -------- 134
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 120
Landing stability --- 795
Defensive stability - 629
Text: Light, high mobility leg part
Note: Would be almost better than the HUESO if not for its low DEF.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

CLL-03A-SRVT ******
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 99700
Maximum Weight ------ 4535
Weight -------------- 1840
Energy drain -------- 2710
Stationary Drain ---- 914
Armor points -------- 2744
Def. Shell ---------- 514
Def. Energy --------- 494
Cooling ------------- 432
Moving Ability ------ 410
Turing Speed -------- 105
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 118
Landing stability --- 1200
Defensive stability - 940
Text: Enhanced version of the CLL-01-FKST
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: By doing 11 different missions with lightweight legs (NEW)

CLL-04-LGSK *******
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 86500
Maximum Weight ------ 4405
Weight -------------- 1720
Energy drain -------- 2696
Stationary Drain ---- 853
Armor points -------- 2940
Def. Shell ---------- 505
Def. Energy --------- 503
Cooling ------------- 110
Moving Ability ------ 418
Turing Speed -------- 112
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 847
Defensive stability - 932
Text: Mobile, mid-load capacity model.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:35:16

Jambes Lourdes:

Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 31000
Maximum Weight ------ 6184
Weight -------------- 2777
Energy drain -------- 2010
Stationary Drain ---- 672
Armor points -------- 3540
Def. Shell ---------- 679
Def. Energy --------- 567
Cooling ------------- 666
Moving Ability ------ 160
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 2150
Defensive stability - 2520
Text: Good close-in model. Inexpensive.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 75000
Maximum Weight ------ 6422
Weight -------------- 3064
Energy drain -------- 2124
Stationary Drain ---- 972
Armor points -------- 3602
Def. Shell ---------- 654
Def. Energy --------- 582
Cooling ------------- 1010
Moving Ability ------ 155
Turing Speed -------- 107
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 140
Landing stability --- 3133
Defensive stability - 1480
Text: High load capacity and good cooling.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 44600
Maximum Weight ------ 6909
Weight -------------- 3146
Energy drain -------- 2200
Stationary Drain ---- 864
Armor points -------- 3710
Def. Shell ---------- 703
Def. Energy --------- 600
Cooling ------------- 584
Moving Ability ------ 151
Turing Speed -------- 109
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 118
Landing stability --- 2953
Defensive stability - 2744
Text: Highly stable Mirage masterpiece.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 64200
Maximum Weight ------ 7501
Weight -------------- 3478
Energy drain -------- 2410
Stationary Drain ---- 1112
Armor points -------- 3800
Def. Shell ---------- 756
Def. Energy --------- 630
Cooling ------------- 366
Moving Ability ------ 148
Turing Speed -------- 106
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 125
Landing stability --- 3245
Defensive stability - 3008
Text: Best two-leg armor and load capacity.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 93000
Maximum Weight ------ 6005
Weight -------------- 2590
Energy drain -------- 2418
Stationary Drain ---- 745
Armor points -------- 3426
Def. Shell ---------- 680
Def. Energy --------- 574
Cooling ------------- 494
Moving Ability ------ 153
Turing Speed -------- 104
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 130
Landing stability --- 4150
Defensive stability - 4520
Text: Model with enhanced stability ratings.
Note: A heavy high defense and stable leg unit with weight close to a
medium weight.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

CLH-04-SOD ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 52000
Maximum Weight ------ 7700
Weight -------------- 3215
Energy drain -------- 2330
Stationary Drain ---- 937
Armor points -------- 3790
Def. Shell ---------- 740
Def. Energy --------- 576
Cooling ------------- 246
Moving Ability ------ 146
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 120
Landing stability --- 2870
Defensive stability - 3117
Text: Part competitor of the MLH-SS/RS
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: By doing 11 different missions with heavyweight legs (NEW)

Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 75000
Maximum Weight ------ 5675
Weight -------------- 2300
Energy drain -------- 2050
Stationary Drain ---- 992
Armor points -------- 3426
Def. Shell ---------- 613
Def. Energy --------- 578
Cooling ------------- 497
Moving Ability ------ 160
Turing Speed -------- 118
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 107
Landing stability --- 2015
Defensive stability - 2270
Text: Prototype blending armor and mobility.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:36:18

Jambes renversées:

CLB-44-AKS ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 17000
Maximum Weight ------ 4613
Weight -------------- 2180
Energy drain -------- 1412
Stationary Drain ---- 198
Armor points -------- 3095
Def. Shell ---------- 527
Def. Energy --------- 451
Cooling ------------- 204
Moving Ability ------ 304
Turing Speed -------- 114
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 105
Landing stability --- 1888
Defensive stability - 1688
Text: Standard reverse-joint leg model.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 32200
Maximum Weight ------ 5082
Weight -------------- 2510
Energy drain -------- 1456
Stationary Drain ---- 372
Armor points -------- 3320
Def. Shell ---------- 590
Def. Energy --------- 468
Cooling ------------- 150
Moving Ability ------ 322
Turing Speed -------- 122
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 89
Landing stability --- 2160
Defensive stability - 1756
Text: Well-balanced CLB-44-AKS.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 21100
Maximum Weight ------ 4816
Weight -------------- 2090
Energy drain -------- 1685
Stationary Drain ---- 484
Armor points -------- 2940
Def. Shell ---------- 472
Def. Energy --------- 446
Cooling ------------- 716
Moving Ability ------ 328
Turing Speed -------- 130
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 115
Landing stability --- 1804
Defensive stability - 1765
Text: Lightest reverse-joint leg model.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 45000
Maximum Weight ------ 5208
Weight -------------- 2320
Energy drain -------- 1222
Stationary Drain ---- 640
Armor points -------- 3197
Def. Shell ---------- 540
Def. Energy --------- 500
Cooling ------------- 98
Moving Ability ------ 300
Turing Speed -------- 120
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 115
Landing stability --- 1900
Defensive stability - 2340
Text: Low energy drain reverse-joint model.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

CLB-33-NMU ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 45000
Maximum Weight ------ 5782
Weight -------------- 2777
Energy drain -------- 1515
Stationary Drain ---- 340
Armor points -------- 3500
Def. Shell ---------- 622
Def. Energy --------- 525
Cooling ------------- 289
Moving Ability ------ 223
Turing Speed -------- 110
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 108
Landing stability --- 2800
Defensive stability - 2870
Text: Enhanced version of the CLB-SOLID.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

MLB-MX/004 ---
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 45000
Maximum Weight ------ 5691
Weight -------------- 2920
Energy drain -------- 1848
Stationary Drain ---- 470
Armor points -------- 3705
Def. Shell ---------- 654
Def. Energy --------- 572
Cooling ------------- 369
Moving Ability ------ 214
Turing Speed -------- 108
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 100
Landing stability --- 3190
Defensive stability - 3015
Text: Stable leg model with respectable AP.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

MLB-MX/008 ---
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 41000
Maximum Weight ------ 5599
Weight -------------- 2577
Energy drain -------- 1740
Stationary Drain ---- 437
Armor points -------- 3402
Def. Shell ---------- 594
Def. Energy --------- 552
Cooling ------------- 622
Moving Ability ------ 230
Turing Speed -------- 114
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 105
Landing stability --- 3000
Defensive stability - 2088
Text: A more efficient MLB-MX/004
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: By doing 11 different missions with RJ legs (NEW)

CLB-55-HM220 ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 56000
Maximum Weight ------ 5424
Weight -------------- 3055
Energy drain -------- 1610
Stationary Drain ---- 335
Armor points -------- 3810
Def. Shell ---------- 695
Def. Energy --------- 425
Cooling ------------- 1090
Moving Ability ------ 225
Turing Speed -------- 120
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 110
Landing stability --- 2954
Defensive stability - 2776
Text: Features enchanted cooling function.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Nephtys Nephtys
Niveau 9
20 août 2005 à 22:37:00

Jambes 4 pieds:

MLF-RE/005 ---
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 37000
Maximum Weight ------ 4116
Weight -------------- 2150
Energy drain -------- 2910
Stationary Drain ---- 1340
Armor points -------- 2855
Def. Shell ---------- 553
Def. Energy --------- 604
Cooling ------------- 1210
Moving Ability ------ 479
Turing Speed -------- 136
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 124
Landing stability --- 2245
Defensive stability - 1077
Text: Standard, highly mobile quadruped.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 44200
Maximum Weight ------ 5197
Weight -------------- 2400
Energy drain -------- 3058
Stationary Drain ---- 1145
Armor points -------- 3150
Def. Shell ---------- 476
Def. Energy --------- 554
Cooling ------------- 1324
Moving Ability ------ 425
Turing Speed -------- 129
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 124
Landing stability --- 2618
Defensive stability - 1243
Text: Enhanced version of the MLF-RE/005
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 69000
Maximum Weight ------ 4554
Weight -------------- 1890
Energy drain -------- 3325
Stationary Drain ---- 1020
Armor points -------- 2576
Def. Shell ---------- 428
Def. Energy --------- 624
Cooling ------------- 1502
Moving Ability ------ 489
Turing Speed -------- 120
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 117
Landing stability --- 2648
Defensive stability - 2450
Text: Lightweight, emphasizing mobility.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

CLF-D1-ILC ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 55000
Maximum Weight ------ 5012
Weight -------------- 2573
Energy drain -------- 4010
Stationary Drain ---- 1583
Armor points -------- 3386
Def. Shell ---------- 524
Def. Energy --------- 498
Cooling ------------- 1633
Moving Ability ------ 437
Turing Speed -------- 124
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 110
Landing stability --- 2080
Defensive stability - 1840
Text: Best cooling of all quadrupeds.
Note: Best cooling of all LEGS!.
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

CLF-D2-ROG ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 82700
Maximum Weight ------ 5366
Weight -------------- 2880
Energy drain -------- 3699
Stationary Drain ---- 1820
Armor points -------- 3402
Def. Shell ---------- 604
Def. Energy --------- 552
Cooling ------------- 1050
Moving Ability ------ 396
Turing Speed -------- 118
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 123
Landing stability --- 2400
Defensive stability - 2046
Text: An well-armored, heavy-load quadruped.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (AC3)

CLF-D3-WIZ ---
Manufacturer -------- Crest Ind.
Price --------------- 73000
Maximum Weight ------ 3992
Weight -------------- 1804
Energy drain -------- 2888
Stationary Drain ---- 1450
Armor points -------- 3010
Def. Shell ---------- 455
Def. Energy --------- 528
Cooling ------------- 1340
Moving Ability ------ 480
Turing Speed -------- 145
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 105
Landing stability --- 2116
Defensive stability - 2213
Text: Lightwieght quadruped, good mobility.
Note: Use if you like Hueso´s with a twist
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

MLF-RE/006 ---
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 96000
Maximum Weight ------ 4767
Weight -------------- 3347
Energy drain -------- 2200
Stationary Drain ---- 940
Armor points -------- 2920
Def. Shell ---------- 455
Def. Energy --------- 408
Cooling ------------- 1001
Moving Ability ------ 470
Turing Speed -------- 120
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 122
Landing stability --- 2300
Defensive stability - 1517
Text: Low energy consumption quadruped.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: By doing 11 different missions with quadruped legs (NEW)

MLF-RE/007 ---
Manufacturer -------- Mirage
Price --------------- 105000
Maximum Weight ------ 5533
Weight -------------- 2990
Energy drain -------- 3477
Stationary Drain ---- 2020
Armor points -------- 3005
Def. Shell ---------- 555
Def. Energy --------- 573
Cooling ------------- 1111
Moving Ability ------ 420
Turing Speed -------- 122
Jump Function ------- Provided
Braking ability ----- 140
Landing stability --- 3005
Defensive stability - 2780
Text: Best quadruped load capacity.
Note: ---
BUO: ---
Found: Shop (NEW)

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